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Trem community

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:54 pm
by Lanac
This topic is about trem community today. Yesterday was a good day for example: Nalf, Ams, CUDDLE, Nod and me giving headache to human team, nonstop rushing with adv. maras adn thought community finnaly became good. Today though, map Nano, aliens wining, humans pushed all the way back to their base, alerting aliens that we should adv mara rush teslas near rc and eventually mara hop. And then everything went to hell, aliens started to camp and humans probably won( not sure since I quitted trem to write this post). Was telling for a good minute or so that we should rush at 71:00. 71:00 came, yelled go go go, and I was the only one to attack and got massacred by the teslas. So I am thinking, if its possible, to do something and help trem community by opening a server that will be for regular players which dont intend to camp rather then a server that will enforce rushing, since games are horrible. For you old players, you know me and why I left trem. And situation now is even worse and im being worried about future of trem. If anyone have any ideas on how to make trem community better or if anyone have any comments about it, please reply to this topic. Thank you.

-Lanac/The Mighty Dretch

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:09 pm
by The_ThInG
this idea could have a negative impact aswell... aka spliting the allready small comunity of trem players....

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:23 pm
by Lanac
not so sure since players who dont want people camping cant have a fun and skillfull match

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:24 am
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
In the long run, camping is a bit stupid for aliens. Their absolute need to move to get a kill means that staying in one is...insanity, and basically pointless.

Disregarding that totally obvious statement above..

Human camping is perfect for the beginning of the game. Aliens can then feed humans, and the game will be over before 6:00 minutes.

How about a 1vs1? Don't tell me that some one has rushed constantly in a 1vs1. It's stupid, especially if they're both good players.
I myself got to S3 against Rudy once in a 1vs1 simply by sitting on rets. A lucisuit with S3 base, against a S1 Dretch with no base because he spent all his energy trying to kill me...who would win?
Except he disconnected..but all the same.

People always label camping as "oh, you sit in your base all day behind rets you sux you have no life"....etc.
But then, the opposite of which is also the fact that YOU are sitting outside THEIR base in one of your forwards, picking off their structures and killing whichever poor soul sticks his head out.

Simply put, a great way to stop an opposite team from camping is by not rushing at all.
The other team will eventually come out, in a normal game situation.
If you play silent; no public chat, and no rushing, then curiousity will kill the cat. Then aliens do what they do best and pick off a few humans from the shadows.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:59 am
by Lanac
You explained that very very well, atleast to me, but the problem is explaining that to the newbies and stuborn players...

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:31 am
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
That's the problem with public games. You'll always get the new person or the Dutchy that's speaks no English.. >_>

Maybe if you want server where only good people go, make it a private server? Host a game right off your computer for a few rounds and message people your IP address. Something. Anything.

Camping isn't exactly something you really explain much. If you're a good player, you can rush or camp easily. But if you're a new player....logic says this:
"When I go outside, I die within 5 seconds. So, in order to not die, I must stay put"
The newbie campers actually provide structure to the game. If you can't shoot, build.
Sadly though, those same new players, if they are "too new", aren't going to be much help in building either...

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:19 am
by Lanac
Would really like to actually host a private server, but then this happens: Image

Re: Trem community

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:17 am
Lanac wrote:If anyone have any ideas on how to make trem community better or if anyone have any comments about it
We should start by shrinking the map rotation to big_box only. On every server. Hahahahha :D

Gunther wrote:I myself got to S3 against Rudy once in a 1vs1 simply by sitting on rets. A lucisuit with S3 base, against a S1 Dretch with no base because he spent all his energy trying to kill me...who would win?

"When I go outside, I die within 5 seconds. So, in order to not die, I must stay put" The newbie campers actually provide structure to the game. If you can't shoot, build.
Most nabs are useless. Except cannon fodder for decent and above players.
As for camping:
Ckits die repeatedly to dretch-rush. Most of weaponized-campers die to this too. Sooner or later.

thing wrote:this idea could have a negative impact aswell... aka spliting the allready small comunity of trem players....
US1, EU, RCZ. Thats all. And US/EU doesn't care. They are focused on releasing 1.2.

Nalf had a couple of amazing ideas to counteract many ubp issues. What happened to his mods?

Re: Trem community

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:27 am
by nalf
Yes, that game was the most fun I played in many days. Too bad I didn't record it.

One of big problems I see in the community is hostility towards new players. This is partly due to the fact that new players can hurt their team by bad building or feeding. And partly because trem is a very competitive game (and violent) and at every game someone has to lose - the desire to win (or have a good score) is greater than the desire to help other players. But neither of these is an excuse.

So a new player has to learn a lot about the game from various Internet resources and usually endure a lot of insults. And I believe that's also the reason why new players are uncommunicative and don't try to learn from better players, or even ignore everything others say just to avoid an argument.

And that's another thing that hurts the community - stupid arguments that often occur for silly reasons like "who camps more", "who's a noob", "who has more skills", "who whines" etc. There is no winner in such arguments. Many times I've seen friends getting mad at each other because of such arguments.

To change this, we should all try to change the community. Players should be praised not for their skills, but for teaching new players and for creating pleasant environment. An antisocial with good skills is worthless for the community. And a communicative newbie, willing to learn the game, reinforces the community. Maybe, we could create some kind of in-game "karma" system. Everyone could assign "+" or "-" to anybody according to their experience with them. And make evaluations who has the best and worse "karma", not who has skills. I could integrate something like that into Tremstats. Or we could make some kind of "mentor" system - everyone could choose their mentor, which would be responsible for teaching them.

Aside from that, there are technical possibilities to improve the gameplay. I have 2 mods in mind which I hope I'll implement some time. One is team-play mod, which is meant to force players to cooperate. Another one is proportional build points mod which will make the amount of build points proportional to the volume of a controlled area, thereby making camping a definitely losing strategy.

There is already a mod on N7 server which prohibits building humans buildings on alien creep and building alien buildings within human power range. For what we've tested, it already improves the gameplay a lot. If one team is too campy, building it in prevents it from building and expanding. The area where creep and power crosses remains free from any building. And the camping team has to cross this zone, go out and kill the enemy's eggs/repeaters.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:28 am
by Lancer
They are online as [n7] server grmg.
For the rest: Lanac, don't be whiny bitch :D
It's UBP gameplay, 2 good players can take whole team.

Nod and me rushed base, gf.

People have no teamplay, but if people had, they are good players.
Nod and me communicating trough another chat = ownage.

^And yes, above is what trem community is now.
Good / Bad players.
And i like to brag about it :D Problem? (trollface)

No really:

What nalf is doing, he IS fixing UBP.
Camping there is punished, and activly playing is rewarded.
With other mods active (poison to other players, luci in base damages buildings etc) makes it less campy.

RCZ Should do it too, it's good.

Only if rota checked it out, and put it in.
Nalf is good mod maker.
[{USATREM}] !Gunther! wrote:That's the problem with public games. You'll always get the new person or the Dutchy that's speaks no English.. >_>
It's mostly the eastern europe that arn't interested in learning english.
Don't blame us, cheeseburger. :D

Re: Trem community

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:32 am
by nalf wrote:Nalf had a couple of amazing ideas to counteract many ubp issues. What happened to his mods?
The mods I've made are running on the N7 server. They're described in the in-game help, which is available when you connect to the server. I'd be happy for any comments.

The sources of these mods are publicly available (Trem is opensource after all). I try to keep every mod as a separate branch, so anyone can take just the mods he likes.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:42 am
by Lanac
Im not a whiny bitch Lancer, but if I have to say in team chat that we are going to rush at 71:00 for a minute and no one comes with me, its not my fault. I would play on nalf's server, but no one plays in it...

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:46 am
by Lancer
Lanac wrote:Im not a whiny bitch Lancer, but if I have to say in team chat that we are going to rush at 71:00 for a minute and no one comes with me, its not my fault. I would play on nalf's server, but no one plays in it...
First - it was joke about how trem community is now.
And almost no new players join, so we're stuck with the same people over and over.

We don't threat the newbies right, thats why i allow them in [N7], because they can play with us, even if they are noob.
We try to teach them the game, what's good and not good.

Second, there are enough players willing to join when you connect.
Mostly, there are more people on there then @ rcz.

But RCZ is more stable, and more reknown.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:50 am
by Lanac
FIne, ill connect to n7 right now and wait for 10 minutes if someone comes.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:50 am
by nalf
Lancer wrote: For the rest: Lanac, don't be whiny bitch :D
It's UBP gameplay, 2 good players can take whole team.

Nod and me rushed base, gf.
True, you was quite a pain in the ass (if I can put it this way ;-)), always sneaking around our base with a luci or something.

But I think the point is that the game lasted for almost 3 hours and IMHO humans could have won the game in 1 or 2 rush waves, if they attacked all at once.

(The N7 server has a problem that I run it on a slower computer and even though the net connection is quite good, often it's not enough. So it lags a lot and people eventually leave.)