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Latent and explicit racism

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:31 pm
by nalf
It's somewhat "standard" that insults are mostly tolerated in Trem. IDK if it's the same for other games. But recently there are opinions that using racist, nazi and similar insults is OK. I strongly oppose that and I challenge everyone to do the same. Everybody who stays silent and doesn't oppose such racist behavior gives the signal it is ok to behave this way, everybody who stays silent says racist insults and racism are ok. Thats cowardice!

This it not about religion, politics, beliefs or something like that. It's about hatred and ego. Racist ideologies are very dangerous and caused extreme suffering of people in the past and in present too. I knew personally many people who were tortured during [WWII]( And there are lot of racist crimes now too, many people suffer for that. Still there is much latent racism in society - many people wouldn't say they're racist but they have racist opinions without realizing it.

Most people in the world aren't racist, they don't like such behavior, they prefer friendship over hatred and egoism. But they don't express it, they let the aggressive minority to take over.

So I challenge everyone to stand against racist, nazi and other such talk and behavior. Kick or mute people who behave like that. (Mute is usually sufficient because these people don't come to play, they come to argue. Once muted, they leave.) I don't know how about you, but I come to Trem to play, to have fun. I don't came to be insulted or hear racist insults. I want to have a friendly society, not a society full of hatred and insults. There are also some people who perhaps aren't racist in their hearts, but are willing to do anything to draw attention at any cost, and don't realize that by promoting racism they do much harm to others. Such a lack of judgment is sad and we need to explain them what they're doing and why they're wrong. But meanwhile we also need to protect ourselves against them.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:52 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
See the trollz in the "All About..." category for more.

And +1 by the way.

Re: Latent and explicit racism

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:00 pm
by epicaldude
nalf wrote:I want to have a friendly society,
"...and I'm willing to break rules to make everyone friendly even over their dead bodies" ?

Nigger, please. Let me tell you this slowly then.

1) No one here refuses to play with people that are of African (or other) origin, so no one is racist.
2) Even if I would be racist, that is fine.
Even if I would say "I do not want to play with someone because say he is Pollock or White or Black" then I have right to do that, I have right to NOT play, yes? For any reason, maybe I do not like his nick or his ping or his clan name I am free to refuse playing.
3) Then what would be bad? Only racism based action could be (in limits of GAME WORLD) to basenade or TK someone because he is (e.g.) black.
And No one does that.
And even if he would, then it is irrelevant why he did it (prejudice against some race or what ever other reason) - still we ban TK/deconers. That do it for racism reasons or any other reason too.

Also just "being racist" (as in thinking "oh I hate African people") is none of your interest as this is thoughtcrime.
(If e.g. I personally hate say Mexicans but in life (and game) Im neutral to them (or even good/cooperative) then I am a racist but that is not any problem)

If you want to ACTUALLY help poor, oppressed people then you need to target which group:
f1) SouthPark and other people/media/etc saying Niggggga
f2) the politicans, soliders, policeman, people that are smiling and good looking and avoiding any N- or F- words, but are e.g. beating black girl or paper spraying OWS peaceful protesters or murder people based on their origins/race (wars, e.g. in Afghan)?
nalf wrote: don't realize that by promoting racism they do much harm to others
and idiots choosing F1 are promoting censorship policestate which ACTUALLY leads not to just people saying "nigger" but to people being slaves "like in china" unable to fight corrupted politicians, passing ACTA/SOPA, going to jail for telling the truth and so on... yeaa but I guess at least we avoid Nigga word, so all is good! ;)

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:02 am
by Rotacak
nalf: that is true, but making friendly society by using power is not good. Look at our country - you cant raise your hand (dont know which one, but that does not matter). If you do that, you cant be punished. WTF is that? You cant raise hand??? Just because around are retarded empty heads without hairs whose shouting shit?

That is all wrong. Everything that should be allowed. If you will ban nacistic signs, then it will make them only stronger. They will make groups and they want to do that what is denied. If you allow it, they will lose reason to do that because every common man on the road will just do facepalm when he will see hailing noob.

If you saw rules on old servers, there was "weapon spam denied, camping denied, nonenglish talk denied..." - in other words "you cant shoot, you cant be in base, you cant talk". But we have different rules. You want be camper? Ok, camp whole game. You want be racist? Ok, say "hai hitler" when you connect. No problem for me. But do you want to spam anything every second line just because you want annoy others? Callvote mute. I dont like what you saying? Callvote mute.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:36 am
by TheMuffinMann
Rota does have a point.

Fighting fire with fire is a stupid idea.
As he suggested it is better to just leave it as it is and simply just not join in. If it starts to get out of control, then we can use some restrictive measures such as mute votes or /ignore.
Expressing force is a sign of suppression and nobody likes that. So everybody will fight aganst this more fiercely.

The reason we have so few neonazis is because almost everybody knows about this issue during and after WWII so everybody will not support this. Our current political system is shitty but so far we haven't really come up with better. Perhaps getting a proper chancellor would be a good idea for us, but that won't really happen. But who cares?

Re: Latent and explicit racism

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:15 am
by omgwtfbbq
epicaldude wrote:
nalf wrote:I want to have a friendly society,
"...and I'm willing to break rules to make everyone friendly even over their dead bodies" ?

Nigger, please. Let me tell you this slowly then.

1) No one here refuses to play with people that are of African (or other) origin, so no one is racist.
2) Even if I would be racist, that is fine.
Even if I would say "I do not want to play with someone because say he is Pollock or White or Black" then I have right to do that, I have right to NOT play, yes? For any reason, maybe I do not like his nick or his ping or his clan name I am free to refuse playing.
3) Then what would be bad? Only racism based action could be (in limits of GAME WORLD) to basenade or TK someone because he is (e.g.) black.
And No one does that.
And even if he would, then it is irrelevant why he did it (prejudice against some race or what ever other reason) - still we ban TK/deconers. That do it for racism reasons or any other reason too.

Also just "being racist" (as in thinking "oh I hate African people") is none of your interest as this is thoughtcrime.
(If e.g. I personally hate say Mexicans but in life (and game) Im neutral to them (or even good/cooperative) then I am a racist but that is not any problem)

If you want to ACTUALLY help poor, oppressed people then you need to target which group:
f1) SouthPark and other people/media/etc saying Niggggga
f2) the politicans, soliders, policeman, people that are smiling and good looking and avoiding any N- or F- words, but are e.g. beating black girl or paper spraying OWS peaceful protesters or murder people based on their origins/race (wars, e.g. in Afghan)?
nalf wrote: don't realize that by promoting racism they do much harm to others
and idiots choosing F1 are promoting censorship policestate which ACTUALLY leads not to just people saying "nigger" but to people being slaves "like in china" unable to fight corrupted politicians, passing ACTA/SOPA, going to jail for telling the truth and so on... yeaa but I guess at least we avoid Nigga word, so all is good! ;)
To put it in words you'd use... you're hitlarious.

I've seen you around ingame and here on forums and you are one of those people Nalf is talking about. Although usually when other admins are around you calm down a bit. But jesus Christ, even though I find it funny to read, see and watch as its a giant spectacle of you making fun of yourself (you are funny, however in a different way than you seem to want).

I've seen you ruin the gameplay of dozens of other people, countless of matches by now by creating headless feed fests or swearing, cursing and discriminating other players.

For me personally, I'm used to people coming online with their only purpose is to ruin other people's gameplay so you aint hurting me. But this kind of ridiculous behavior makes less people play. And that's just a waste.

Oh and southpark doesn't say nigga in the US, its censored or just not used.
For many people it is a bad term, its stuck to allot of bad memories of mankind and even today, racism is still widely 'available'. And maybe you don't have to deal with racism against you that you cannot find a job, finish college or start a proper family. Maybe this is just not your preference.
But for many people they just want to live a normal live but racists make it harder then it should be. Also the insensitive self-centered bungholes like you are an annoyance.

With my friends I swear and curse like there's no tomorrow. But in public is a different thing, not everyone has the same mindset as you.

Re: Latent and explicit racism

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:44 am
by epicaldude
omgwtfbbq wrote: I've seen you ruin the gameplay of dozens of other people, countless of matches by now by creating headless feed fests or swearing, cursing and discriminating other players.
Lol usually Im 1st player on team.

Sometimes build rushing combined with special individuals that do not rush (like Gareth + 2 grangers + me) end bad if Gareth fucks around doing nothing for 5 minutes ignoring any request to help rushing and Im only one that have both build forward AND attack, not so easy (but works often too :)

omgwtfbbq wrote: Oh and southpark doesn't say nigga in the US, its censored or just not used.
Nigger please, Im sorry if you have to some dumbed down version for americunts, but the orginal video is

People that annoy you. "N*ggers"
- 10 seconds mister Marsh!
- ... Niggggeeeerssss! :D
- bzzzzzzzzzt [wrong]
- huh D: ?
- Naggers.
- oh
omgwtfbbq wrote: But for many people they just want to live a normal live but racists make it harder then it should be. Also the insensitive self-centered bungholes like you are an annoyance.

Well ok asshole listen again:
1) say Nigger
2) beat up or fuck up Niggers in other ways while being politically correct like some gayfag and calling them African Americans
Which is the problem?

Americunts prefer to do 2.

Also you (you = general American population apparently) don't give really two fucks about killing dark colored children - as long as they are not of African genus but Afghan. ... present%29


Yeah "enduring freedom" they murder people while mocking them too.

Who is the racist now?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:34 am
1. EpicalIdiot should be banned for persistent trolling.
2. Blaming ENTIRE American society for misdeeds of its leadership is silly.
3. In fact I have an idea for you fuckloser: go defend the people to the Iraq. Rally. GO. NOW. :D

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:41 pm
by epicaldude wrote:1. EpicalIdiot should be banned for persistent trolling.
Image wrote: 2. Blaming ENTIRE American society for misdeeds of its leadership is silly.
Dictatorship, or bestest democracy ever? wrote: 3. In fact I have an idea for you fuckloser: go defend the people to the Iraq. Rally. GO. NOW. :D
Very good.
Poster above, omgwtfbbq, go to Affrica help the people.
Or all you do is bitch at word Nigger, while doing nothing at all?

"racism is still widely 'available'." yes it is, so what?
I reserve the right to not like black people, green people, ugly people and gingers.
You mad?
Will you beat me up until I love you or something?

Or do you mean that black people are being attacked by idiots like KKK alike?
Then SAYING a word is the least of problems, start with other problems....
like make anti war demonstration... or do you care only about African kind of "dark people", how very racist.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:05 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
While this "racism" topic has flamed up these last few years, a persons origin should not be a source of insult.
There are black people, brown people, half-brown people, tan people, khaki people, white people, albino people, and everywhere in between. That is a fact. But should I insult people on the Internet with a skin color as it's motive because most of them are as white as their toilet? (Another truth) And then constantly remind them, and say that all people living in North America and Europe are white and that's that?

Easy answer: No. Immature and stupid to say.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:14 pm
by epicaldude
[{USATREM}] !Gunther! wrote: But should I insult people on the Internet with a skin color as it's motive because most of them are as white as their toilet? (Another truth)
If someone thinks I'm saying Nigger based on someones skin color, in fucking online game, then they are idiots, for the obvious reason.... :)

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:29 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
[{USATREM}] !Gunther! wrote:While this "racism" topic has flamed up these last few years, a persons origin should not be a source of insult.
"Persons" apparently in this case meaning Africans, and "insult" meaning the slang word for black slaves 200 years ago. It was as much a vulgar word back then as it is now. It's even banned on TV, books, and instantly makes movies R-rated, if it's used at all (in the "facist USA" of course)

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:30 pm
by Rotacak
epicaldude wrote: If someone thinks I'm saying Nigger based on someones skin color, in fucking online game, then they are idiots, for the obvious reason.... :)
And why exactly do you saying it then?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:51 pm
by epicaldude
Rotacak wrote:
epicaldude wrote: If someone thinks I'm saying Nigger based on someones skin color, in fucking online game, then they are idiots, for the obvious reason.... :)
And why exactly do you saying it then?
For the lolz, actually :)