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Some observations.

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 10:57 am
1. Most people I've played with are gone. Cool ppl. With fucking attitude and skills.

2. Itamar is probably still around. This is a speculation of mine - I was playing with some guy (UnnamedPlayer#1), while AGI was specing, 1 vs 1. I got owned by blaster/ckit. He blasted me till HS3. Lolz. Then again it could have been Meisselli, he moves RC to good places too.

3. The ppl who play nowdays fall into 2 categories: total nabs (can't aim at all, can't build) OR total pros who "kill everything with md" (and I mean really fucking great moves and aim). Almost no middle ground inbetween.

4. Accordingly - 2 ways of playing - total camp (and I mean total, like not even going out of the ATCS base first ramp) OR total rush (fast forward, get fat on feed, rush OM or default eggs).

5. If a decisive (forward base) move isn't accomplished before SD, most games tend to go around 70-90 mins. H then camp due to the distance to alien base, and the need to kill multiple eggs rather than one OM. It takes forever now. Aliens have a problem because of DCs and, gods forbid, a container (3 snipes and at least 2 chomps).

6. Nobody builds proper bases anymore. Sure, ret stacking is cool, but most of the time ret placement is very bad. Not to mention planks, crates, trees.

7. Bamboo + tree = basesaver for aliens.

8. Basibomb prevention absolutely requires proper placement of rets and teslas. Without 3-5 DC (just for abundance) basibomb = alien win on ATCS. Because of that...

9. ...advMara is now rarely used to zap stuff or zaprushes.

10. Lack of "quality control" meant that any shitmap was accepted here. Fortunately because od no. 3 (pros and nabs) most shitmaps are voted off very fast now.

11. My aim got shittier. VALs' got better but his attitude hasn't changed.

12. What happened to Unique and his mod on AmsterdamUnlimited?

13. If you dretch against a pro MD and you get owned as soon as you almost got into biting distance check this out: not everyone, but most pro MD can't really hit me on medium distances. I dance my best random dretch while moving forward, land a hit on MDPro, then when I'm almost at him for the second hit I get killed. MDPro waits until I get close when aiming is much more accurate. Don't be me, hit run away while facing him, hide, repeat the initial dance. Works on Meisselli, works on MD, Shotgun, Lasgun. Rifle is much worse because of the bullet spread.

14. Also - beware of an MDPro on ramps like ATCS tunnel. Firstly, they use doge to jump away from ramps and the height advantage gives them distance, while you have to go by ground longer way than you think. Secondly, ramp allows them to have only one dimension to worry about, the width.

15. Also - don't go against MDPro that likes to hug the wall all time. He restricts your movement to only one side. You can only strafe in one direction, and that leads sooner or later to you hugging the wall. You go in a straight line = dead.

16. ATCS tunnel, any weapon and armor. Say a goon wants to eat you. Shoot him, dance around and at some point go behind a corner. Hug the wall (and I mean really hug it) a "turret lenght" from the corner. Wait no more than half a second, he'll go around the corner following you, but he will not be near the wall, most of the time in the middle of he corridor width. Shoot his fucking leg off. Go around the very same corner, but from the other side. Shoot his fucking leg off. Now add the ramps on ATCS . 2 medicore naked rifles can own a really good AdvGoon.

17 . Most of the Lucisuits learned to charge it to max before relasing. Beware.

18. When you meet a pouncewhore, let him punce. Just instead of going away from him, go towards him and crouch when he pounces. He'll overshoot in most cases. If he doesn't but still you crouch, you can't be headshotted by the goon. If he tries to pounce and not chomp he's dead.

19. Gayflamers. Niveus. Default OM has 2 acidtubes in the lower door. A Flamersuit stands in the door. I'm a dretch. He just stands there and flames all time. Not even going towards me. I chat away with team, insult some people for being a cowards. Flamersuit still sits there. 2 fucking acid tubes. One dretch. Some dude psaws default OM. Flamersuit sees the OM down and reacts accordingly - he fucking sits in same place flaming away. WTF is this shit?

20. Flamer knockback should be eliminated.

21. Trem's mostly dead. New maps are not gonna hit it. New gameplay modes will.

22. Ams is around?

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 12:26 pm
by Weed
well hello gee ar em gee ( i finally figured it out lol )

cool observation, btw i love flamer.

peace & love (:

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 4:08 pm
by Pikachu
23. 2 thirds of human team rethugs and build shitloads of turrets and teslas. At SD a dozen lucisuits start spamming alien base from perimeter (all builders have 2000 creds). Aliens respond by attacking with dretch (feeding H even more) and eventually start camping with multiple rants at which point humans start whining about rant camping -- ignoring the fact that this is exactly what they've been doing for almost the entire game.

24. Aliens try rushing with acidbombs early on but humans manage to overcome and get fed to S2 in the process. All the while aliens have not even considered getting frags and are effectively a stage behind at this point.

25. Either team leaves a massive hole in their defense, but somehow no one on the opposite team notices. Veteran player joins, specs for a minute and completely turns the game around through noticing this exploit.

Used to think flamer was perfect. Then they beefed it for whatever reason. I use it often (it's easy enough to pwn with) but I agree it's overpowered, and the kickback is annoying, same issue with pulse. And lucifer is still the worst weapon in any game ever as far as i'm concerned :') .

Re: Some observations.

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 7:09 pm
by Raptor wrote:1. Most people I've played with are gone. Cool ppl. With fucking attitude and skills.

2. Itamar is probably still around. This is a speculation of mine - I was playing with some guy (UnnamedPlayer#1), while AGI was specing, 1 vs 1. I got owned by blaster/ckit. He blasted me till HS3. Lolz. Then again it could have been Meisselli, he moves RC to good places too.

3. The ppl who play nowdays fall into 2 categories: total nabs (can't aim at all, can't build) OR total pros who "kill everything with md" (and I mean really fucking great moves and aim). Almost no middle ground inbetween.

4. Accordingly - 2 ways of playing - total camp (and I mean total, like not even going out of the ATCS base first ramp) OR total rush (fast forward, get fat on feed, rush OM or default eggs).

5. If a decisive (forward base) move isn't accomplished before SD, most games tend to go around 70-90 mins. H then camp due to the distance to alien base, and the need to kill multiple eggs rather than one OM. It takes forever now. Aliens have a problem because of DCs and, gods forbid, a container (3 snipes and at least 2 chomps).

6. Nobody builds proper bases anymore. Sure, ret stacking is cool, but most of the time ret placement is very bad. Not to mention planks, crates, trees.

7. Bamboo + tree = basesaver for aliens.

8. Basibomb prevention absolutely requires proper placement of rets and teslas. Without 3-5 DC (just for abundance) basibomb = alien win on ATCS. Because of that...

9. ...advMara is now rarely used to zap stuff or zaprushes.

10. Lack of "quality control" meant that any shitmap was accepted here. Fortunately because od no. 3 (pros and nabs) most shitmaps are voted off very fast now.

11. My aim got shittier. VALs' got better but his attitude hasn't changed.

12. What happened to Unique and his mod on AmsterdamUnlimited?

13. If you dretch against a pro MD and you get owned as soon as you almost got into biting distance check this out: not everyone, but most pro MD can't really hit me on medium distances. I dance my best random dretch while moving forward, land a hit on MDPro, then when I'm almost at him for the second hit I get killed. MDPro waits until I get close when aiming is much more accurate. Don't be me, hit run away while facing him, hide, repeat the initial dance. Works on Meisselli, works on MD, Shotgun, Lasgun. Rifle is much worse because of the bullet spread.

14. Also - beware of an MDPro on ramps like ATCS tunnel. Firstly, they use doge to jump away from ramps and the height advantage gives them distance, while you have to go by ground longer way than you think. Secondly, ramp allows them to have only one dimension to worry about, the width.

15. Also - don't go against MDPro that likes to hug the wall all time. He restricts your movement to only one side. You can only strafe in one direction, and that leads sooner or later to you hugging the wall. You go in a straight line = dead.

16. ATCS tunnel, any weapon and armor. Say a goon wants to eat you. Shoot him, dance around and at some point go behind a corner. Hug the wall (and I mean really hug it) a "turret lenght" from the corner. Wait no more than half a second, he'll go around the corner following you, but he will not be near the wall, most of the time in the middle of he corridor width. Shoot his fucking leg off. Go around the very same corner, but from the other side. Shoot his fucking leg off. Now add the ramps on ATCS . 2 medicore naked rifles can own a really good AdvGoon.

17 . Most of the Lucisuits learned to charge it to max before relasing. Beware.

18. When you meet a pouncewhore, let him punce. Just instead of going away from him, go towards him and crouch when he pounces. He'll overshoot in most cases. If he doesn't but still you crouch, you can't be headshotted by the goon. If he tries to pounce and not chomp he's dead.

19. Gayflamers. Niveus. Default OM has 2 acidtubes in the lower door. A Flamersuit stands in the door. I'm a dretch. He just stands there and flames all time. Not even going towards me. I chat away with team, insult some people for being a cowards. Flamersuit still sits there. 2 fucking acid tubes. One dretch. Some dude psaws default OM. Flamersuit sees the OM down and reacts accordingly - he fucking sits in same place flaming away. WTF is this shit?

20. Flamer knockback should be eliminated.

21. Trem's mostly dead. New maps are not gonna hit it. New gameplay modes will.

22. Ams is around?
i imagine u now me dontya :D :D :D

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 9:32 pm
I imagine that me being me, is gonna tell You not to fucking quote an entire post only to reply "me too" :D

And yeah, I know You.

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 10:02 pm
by Fang152
That UnnamedPlayer#1... I have a god idea who it is :3

Anyways, You said that you try doing your best random dretch. Did you try checking if the player is head orientated?

For those who don't know what that means, basically, its when you focus on aiming at the alien's head rather than the alien as a whole, and if the head is looking away you tend to aim in that general direction. Kreta uses this trick a lot, Pax has now started using it and I'm still trying to get used to it (it's really difficult not to get dizzy xD).

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 11:57 am
by Pikachu
Something that's weird to me, even with unlagged everyone always tells you to lead, but in my experience you'll typically always miss when leading and should aim for the movement tail instead.

Some basic aiming prediction tricks... (i'm not really that great a shot tbh)

MD: just aim where the enemy is going to be and then just pull the trigger when the passes your crosshair.
Mara: similair to the one above, just keep your aim fixed when jumping over a human and click when your crosshair and his head line up.
Luci: don't aim at the alien if he's jumping around, aim at where he's going to land.
Wallwalking aliens are much more annoying to predict since they can move on all 3 movement planes rather than just the ground plane. The pain in the ass is that there's very little maps that aren't filled with little detail brushes that make wallwalking a pain in the ass. When directly above a human you can get him in gimbal lock.

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 3:50 pm
by Fang152
What do you mean lead? :o

For MD, the aiming where alien will be (if its small) if a bit difficult for me. If the alien I'm aiming at is a dretch, I fire and drag the mouse a little in the direction of their movements. I do it because the hit box lag changes a lot (all of my family constantly using internet :l) and even if I have little or no lag, it still pretty much scores a hit :)

For mara, personally, I find them easier to hit when they're in the air because they have less options for movements and are generally slower. In tight spaces, they can get slowed down by restricting walls.

For luci, I've only just started using it :D - sounds odd I know - because I'd rather perfect weapons that you can buy cheap and keep for ages, than buy an expensive weapon and lose it instantly :l . I've gotten really used to Rifle, Shotgun, Las and MD and am halfway through Chain. Pulses and flamers im not particularly fond of because I've developed the idea that they are campers weapons - but I still want to be good at them. Luci, I started early because I got bored of training the other weapons :D

Btw, (long post I know), if anyone has any advice and tips on using the weapons, please feel free to tell!

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 5:44 pm
by TheMuffinMann
Why do people constantly speak of human weaponry?

So far I find aliens more difficult to improve than humans.

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 6:29 pm
by Pikachu
Pulse and Flamer camper weapons? They're pretty useless for defense as far as I'm concerned. Maybe for spamming corridors. I only use those when I want to take down alien structures.

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 7:30 am
by Fang152
I don't think the same Muffin, I played aliens long before I tried human team and I guess I'm just use to it now :)

That's what I mean Pikachu, campers spam through gaps into tunnels. Isn't luci best at taking down structures (trees for example)?

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 9:57 pm
by Pikachu
Yeah Luci arguably, but it's also a pain in the ass to use imo. I only use it when I absolutely have to.