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First of all.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:20 am
1. I fucking DEMAND a subforum for pure RAGE.
2. Flamer cunts - cut the knockback on flamer. It's too powerful when combined with its area damage and damage output. You need at least a goon to counter it, and when you go goon its means hs2/as1. Then the cunts flame even more b/c dretches die from it instantly. And worst of all even good players claim flamer is ok, but strangely stfu when they die from it all time. BTW: gayflaming now requires almost no aiming. This weapon is fucking bullshit. Chsinsuit is easier to kill.
3. Reduce hp on container. It requires 3 snipes and 3-4 pounces to die. That requires no defender in base. Did I mention that almost everyone camps now? Fucking losers. A year ago at least some ppl spammed "stop camp", now it's like a fucking tradition.
4. You (especially-admins) and your fucking bullshit rules. I get muted for cursing, sure, probably deserved since it was more spam than the cursing. Sure, seems to go along with the "don't be an idiot". A fucking hour of entire h team camping with chainsuits - /cancelvote. The losers didn't even check out first corner in ATCS tunnel. Camping is allowed. Bullshit fucking rules.
5. And ofc weapon spam, restpam in random fashion, barrels, crates and other fucking fag-flags in purely RANDOM places. "Don't build here, u block" - no idiot has to have his fucking flowers. Someone even told me that I can't vote denybuild b/c of flowers. Well FUCK YOU.
6.Maybe its time to fucking change things a little bit????????????????? Y

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:58 am
by TheMuffinMann
Hmm... Let's see....

1. Subforum, how about therapy?

2. If you can't fight a flame, then you might be lame... -.-

3. Container - METAL CONTAINER -> Super solid

4. Yes, us and our bullshit rules. Be glad there are rules, otherwise we would've kicked you for reasons like noob, idiot, faggot...

You are already not as popular as you should be, still you rage on... Where will this end? In you getting kicked, UNLESS there are rules...

5. Spam, spam, spam... Do not tell me you've never spammed...

6. How about NO? :D xD

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:06 am
by Weed

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:18 am
TheMuffinMann wrote:2. If you can't fight a flame, then you might be lame... -.-
Doesn't change the fact that flamer knockback gives it way too much power. Oh and BTW here's a rhyme about your rhyme: if you do know how to fight flamer - then go fuck yourself, b/c knockback gives flamer too much fucking power vs. anything below a goon. In which case hs2/as1, gg. Or here's another one: don't fight flamer with dretch or mara in which case flamer is fucking doing "flaming in the door" bullshit STRATEGY (pro!!!!!!!!!!!) to flame acidtubes with area of effect.
3. Container - METAL CONTAINER -> Super solid
Wtf is this? An argument? Container has too much hp compared to building-destroying power of aliens. Sure a tree is a hp fat target, but you can luci a tree from a distance is most cases.
4. Yes, us and our bullshit rules. Be glad there are rules, otherwise we would've kicked you for reasons like noob, idiot, faggot...
Sure, I'll tone down a bit ingame. What, then, do you expect me to do about constant camping? Idiot builders? Spammers? Should I, like you did, accept that it is allowed and don't complain about it. "It's just something that happens" - well FUCK THAT - why not change things a bit so it doesn't? Obviously "stop camp" isn't fucking enough ok?
5. Spam, spam, spam... Do not tell me you've never spammed...
6. How about NO? :D xD
Great mentality to have.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:52 am
by imp wrote:Great mentality to have.
Buy yourself a mirror?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:55 am
Sure, I'll eve use it, granted someone cuts the knockback out of flamer.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:17 am
by Fang152
The day you learn to stop raging is the day you will learn to use the mirror, and also the day flamers stop spamming. I look forward to that day in the far far far away future.

Also, you said it yourself that flamer makes it impossible for anything below a goon to get near. Use a goon.

Thumbs up for that picture Weed xD. Here's mine :D


Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:20 am
by Redman
Actually, grmg is right about the knockback. Tremulous bases knockback solely on the damage inflicted which is completely unrealistic and is very frustrating in a few cases, notably:

1. A tesla generator works like a force field against Dretches. I'm quite certain it wouldn't happen in reality.
2. A few tightly packed hives can throw basically every human to the Moon. Bees aren't supposed to have momentum comparable with that of a human!
3. Flamer.

I recommend a revision of the knockback code.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:37 am
by Weed
is tremulous realistic ? no.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:41 am
by MegaMedic
I tought grmg is a nice guy. Wtf is going on here? I don't understand shit from this topic because is on Chat and not in Genera Discussion. Well, I don't want to comment lol.
But about swearing, is not too bad if you do in joke. I always swearing weed, shitshitshit, blade etc, with mothafucka, idiiot, shit etc.
If you want to swearing in joke then you must find the good persons who know what is joke. Not everyone like swearings. So thats it.
Right you mothafucka weed?

bitching thread

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:07 pm
by Pikachu
I agree about the flamer. I use it myself often and but I fully admit it is OP.

I also think all knockbacks should be nullified. Pulse is especially annoying. Try pouncing head on with a goon, a few pulse shots will kill your momentum and slow you down ridiculously when there's little room for strafing. Flamer needs a tighter spread and maybe slight damage reduction, that would make it less annoying for both sides imo. (Also the 1.2 flamer before it got patched was fine imo). Except for Luci maybe, knockback might be desirable for Luci-jumps.
While on the subject of Luci, maybe speed up load time and reduce splash damage significantly? That might make it less of a spammer weapon (not to mention people who use if for defense inside base lol)

About the containers, they don't bother me much, they usually block line of sight for turrets and turn a human base in a big target for maras.

Also, please remove the flares... seriously, when certain persons (*cough* VAL *cough*) spam 20 of those next to an armoury the engine goes into cardiac arrest.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:14 pm
by TheMuffinMann
So far I have maraudered several flamethrowers...

The only issue is that flamer has quite a splash and high dmg output.

So this makes it nearly impossible to kill a flamer as a basilisk.

Flamer might be op, but so far the lucifer splash is worse...

This is tremulous though, there is no point in crying about things that won't be fixed either way...

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:31 pm
by Redman
TheMuffinMann wrote:This is tremulous though, there is no point in crying about things that won't be fixed either way...
That's a problem. For example look at ioquake3. While Tremulous is frozen in time with its very old engine, ioquake3 is getting a lot of new code. They've already got a renderer supporting bump mapping, real dynamic lighting and modern hardware (huge fps boost).

It would be nice if Tremulous had developers. Well, we can still hope Unvanquished won't fail.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:45 pm
by iain
TheMuffinMann wrote:Hmm... Let's see....
4. Yes, us and our bullshit rules. Be glad there are rules, otherwise we would've kicked you for reasons like noob, idiot, faggot...
Actually... This does need some debate (not about kicking you xD) hehe, TO THE ADMIN SECTION!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:46 pm
by TheMuffinMann
iain wrote: Actually... This does need some debate (not about kicking you xD) hehe, TO THE ADMIN SECTION!
*this weird batman thingy sound we all know but cannot name*