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==Troy=='s guide to Tremulous

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:26 am
by ==Troy==
Just copying it here. With few updates.

Small but long Guie for the human weapons and tactics. Completely (C) ==Troy==

C/A kit : Are you going to slap a dretch with it? dont even try. As for the rest its quite usefull to produce those small annoyingly obstructive shooting thingies and rest of not so useless stuff.

Rifle : Heeeeyyy here we go, something which : Shoots fast, accurate and deals quite a damage. Main drawback for this weapon is its reload time. So make sure if you have less that 5 bullets in the clip, reload when you have a spare second.

Lets start, the clip is 30 bullets, you need only 5 to kill a dretch (5 dpp) , taking your aim, make it 7 as a best case and 15 as the worst. Do not shoot contineously, make it 3-5 bullets per burst, but the burst should be fast ones, with 2 "no-shoot shots". Why? because usually when you follow a target you loose concentration from the sound of rifle and from "looking" at the place where it hits, always give some time for your brain to adjust and dont panic. 30 wasted bullets in 2 seconds is much worse than killed dretch in 3 seconds with 20 shots left in the clip. Always consider your skill, if you are not capable to kill 3 dretches per clip, reload after <15 bullets in the clip. Do not reload if you just spent 2 bullets and have 28 left. That means you will have to fallback earlier = miss few easy kills. Always consider your helth. Dretch damage is 94 headshot, so you have to adjust the mkit usage to the skill level of dretches you are playing against. a jump for headshot is easy to dodge, just move sideways. On the other hand, dretches capable of making HS from floor closly following you are much-much worse. Your only choise is to fallback, jump and NEVER panic. Maradeurs are easy if they are not advanced, let them come a bit closer, use bursts and dodge, 2, 1 if you are lucky, clip will finish them off. Goons are a bit harder, get a teammate and empty your rifle into the goon, one of you will fall, but you have to do at least 50 damage (10 shots), and you mate empties full clip (150 damage) = dead goon (sandwitch anyone? I am hungry already, just need to take led out). Adv goons - same tactics, they are faster and have 250 hp, so 3 humies will be better, but you will have to dodge a lot, otherwise its an alien party. Tyrants are way too harder, dont even think to go alone against 100%HP tyrant, even a noob will kill you with 1st hit. Always consider how much bullets you use for the alien buildings, if you are reloading, its an easy kill for dretch, so spend 20 bullets on acid tube, wait for dretch, if he doesnt come, empty the clip and fallback to reload, dont just stay there like a piece of fishstakes (I am defenitely hungry now). Grangers are easy, but they can empty your clip quite fast, so always get the dretch, before you attack granger.

Hemlet + Rifle : this is way better than before, I am not going to talk about light armor, you either have it at this moment, or you better not buy hemlet. Dretches have to do 5 headshots now to kill you, so you can fell comfortable filling them with led, maras and basis *(oh and basi, just make sure you empty your clip in it, and thats the end of deal). are easy now. If you are good in dodging you can try to go against a goon, but its still better to take a mate with you.

Psaw : This is a "heavy" killer. Not because of damage it deal (dps is the highest one among the human weapons), but because its mostly usefull against heave aliens, starting from goon, ending up with tyrants. If you dont have hemlet, its a waste of money for psaw. Usuall equipment is : helarm + psaw, dont try to buy a jetpack, you wont have time to escape and it gives a faulty feeling of safety. if you are defending the base, try to get behid the attackers, so that you saw them, and turrets make a beefstake from other side. (get a flamer to cook the remaints properly). If you are attacking, fear dretches, dretch reach is further than psaw reach, so you are an easy target, Tyrants are good to attack if there is more than one, or you are in pair with chainsuit, always get behind the tyrant, trying to form a line Chainsuit(consistently trying to drill a hole in the tyrant) - Tyrant (poor crying creature) - You (sawing the tasty legs for BBQ), if chain falls, you are pretty much screwed, but if the tyrant is lower than 100hp by that time you still can make it. Goons are quite easy if you get behind them, just dodge a few slashes and you can go for another one. Dont ever buy b-suit for the psaw, your stamina rans out 1.5 times faster, which means that you are useless in following the target. (oh, and you always have to sprint, X key, dont forget). Also, one of the tactics is to "Ride" a goon or tyrant, if you are on a higher ground than them. The alienology states that goon is not capable of slashing you when you are right on top of him, he also cant pounce, and only slowly "walk away", so dont let him, and crouch to psaw his back.

Will be continued...

(From my experience : 28 dretches for 6 clips, 78 hp left no mkit, sucsesfull return to base with following 4 blaster kills | 3 Tyrants TKed - psawed in a row, 4th finally got me)


Okie, a bit more about Rifle : Remember the burst shooting? Another advantage of this technique is that you are able to control the target position and predict its movement. It is easy to kill a dretch, who is heading at you in a straight line, and way harder to kill a strafing dretch on a ceiling, so why waste bullets? If you see that you cant kill that crazy dretch, then dont, just wait for him to change his movement from "dodgin" to "will that noob finally empty the rifle into me? Or I have to do everything by myself??!" Once it start to move in a more coordinated direction, or simply in a straight line, aiming at you, thats the time when you start shooting.

Another good fact to know, is if you are sprinting backwards, it is very hard for the dretch to follow you, they will have to either pursue in a straight line, or give up, which means an easy kill, or safe return to base. If they will decide to follow you, it will be easy to even kill them with blaster.

Now lets go into the "level" of how hard the dretch movement is, starting from easiest :
1) Straight line, heading at you
2) Straight line, heading somewhere else
3) Jumping, heading at you
4) Strafing, heading somewhere else
5) Strafing, heading at you

6) Jumping, heading somewhere else
7) Strafing on ceiling
8) Strafing on a vertical wall in front of you in a distance.
9) Dancing all around you.

Now, from here you can predict the skill level of the dretch and also plan your actions and choose the place where you will engage him, or wait for him to engage you.

Shotgun : That is the MOST universal weapon ever created for tremulous. Its an aliens slayer at a close to mid range fights. the advantages are numerous : Big clip, Acceptable reload time, Huge damage, Low cost, ease of aim and handling. The only drawback is that the bullets are spread randomly, so even in a close fight it can happen that you will miss a shot. Shotgun deals 56 damage per second, and 56 damage per shot (1 shot per second), it shoots 8 pellets of 7 damage each, so for the dretch you need to get at least 4 of them into it. Your total damage per clip is 448, which means you can kill a tyrant in a single clip if you are lucky, and a goon is just 4-6 shots.

Okie, now getting closer to HOW actually you use it. Have you ever used a hammer in your life? Its very similar, you aim, press trigger and "close" your ears and eyes, because of the loud noise produced. The only problem that if you do this while being engaged by more than one dretch - you are an afternoon meal for aliens. But the aiming have to be similar. you do not have a continuous rain of bullets here, but a single "shoot or loose" situation. So prepare your shot well, and dont try to get that dretch kilometer away. Its very close for psaw, but you have a chance to stand dretchstorm with it.

The bigger aliens are a bit easier, basilisks are simple, 1-2 point-blank shots, and just dont let them grab you from behind. Maradeurs are a bit tougher, you will have to crouch when they jump and shoot their belly. But again, you will waste a plenty of clip here. Goons are the main target for the shotgun. Make sure you have a full clip, and follow the psaw tactics, 4 point-blank shots are enough to kill a goon, and nearly kill adv goon. 4 more shots are your "insurance". Tyrants are harder in this case, you will have to get all 8 shots, point blank, with loosing rare pellet. It will take you 7 seconds to kill a tyrant if you are lucky, if not, more than 10. So you have to consider the skill level of the tyrant you are engaging. If it is a bit higher than "no mouse, half-dead keyboard" then you have no chance.

Psaw Damage per second - 200, 4! times higher than shotgun.
Rifle DPS : 55.5 without reload.
Shotgun DPS : 56 without reload.


Grenade : now, this is a pocket nuke, which you can carry with you. The damage is 310 and radius is about 2 goon lengths, the damage decreases linialy from the epicentre of the explosion. timer on the grenade is 5 seconds.

You have to use grenades wisely, remember, they do not stick to alien structures, they are quite bouncy and hard to aim, if you are going to nade OM, do not throw nade INTO it, throw it on the floor in front of it, it will make 3-4 bounces and land near the OM. taking the OM health (750) you will be left with 440 HP OM, which is close to an AFK tyrant.

But personally I prefer not to waste grenade on the overmind, unless it is my main target and I know, that I will not survive long enough in alien base to kill it completely without nading. On the other hand, this little nukie can clear about 8-10 acid tubes on the floor, and also can be used as a strategy against tyrants. If you have a lot of credits, buy a nade, rush tyrant with psaw, throw nade in the escape way of the tyrant and try to draw his hp down to 300-250. also try to make so that he will finish you off exaclty on the nade.

Other than that this piece of crap is pretty much useless.

Las Gun : Now, this is a dretch slayer weapon... The advantages are : No Reload!, 45 dps, which is lower than rifle, but higher if rifle&reload. It is perfectly accurate, where you shoot, there you get it. The rate of fire is lower than rifle, which leaves you time to adjust your aim in the time for the next shot to come. and it is also effective against basilisks, maradeurs, goons, adv goons, and not that effective against tyrants. (9 damage per shot)

There are a few "styles" of fire from lasgun:

Md type : Las gun is pretty much Md, with higher rate of fire, lower damage and no zoom. But you can still get a decent aim with it. If you see dretch running far from you, dont waste a lot of shots on it, land 3-4 good aimed shots, and you get 175$ more.

Burst : This style is rarely used by me, but it is still useful in some situations, if you are fighting a dretch in a short-range, then the good idea is not to panic and use burst fire, while adjusting you aim and keeping up with him.

Continuous : Press the trigger, and prey to god that the goon you are fighting with will not kill you earlier than you kill him. Again, if you fight something larger than a dretch, there is NO point in using something else than just continuous fire. Its 45 dps, landed directly where you put it, no need for a ridiculous aiming abilities (large aliens) and 2.3 seconds to kill basilisk, 3.9 maradeur, 4.5 goon, 5.6 adv goon, 9 tyrant. Just keep aim straight onto a target, and doge its attacks. The monotonous "las-las-las-las" sound can actually make them panic, seeing that they constantly loose health at a high rate, and there is no "break" time for them to attack you.

Again, this weapon is perfect tool for killing dretches, because they rely on you reloading your gun, where their main attack starts. you dont have that with lasgun, good aim means that you can stand up to 5 dretches at a time. If you are a good dodger, that is a weapon of choise for you for most of the times.

Personal experience : 96 kills with no reload and no medi station. with >100 shots left when I was killed.


MD, or Mass driver : This weapon is quite similar to shotgun, with a few advantages and following disadvantages. It is 38 damage per shot per second. 5 or 7 shots clip if with batpack. Advantages : no spread. high damage. zoom ability. Disadvantages : Long reload. Not sufficient clip capacity for larger aliens. Tricky handling.

There are 2 ways of shooting from MD, actually 3, but they are similar.

shotgun : MD is a shotgun. 1 shot per second, having a hammer strength in the shot, the only difference is that now you will have to aim carefully, its just 1 pellet, which will hit where you land it. so make sure your crosshair is on the dretch when you press the trigger. Otherwise it is very-very similar to shotgun.

lasgun : in this mode your target is sufficiently far, so that you are not required to dodge its attack yet, but it is not that insanely far that you can see only a single pixel of it. Just land a careful shot and the dretch is hammered into the dirt.

MD aim/zoom mode : this technique requires a LOT of coordination of your movement and aim. If you are not skilled enough for all other methods, do not try to use it!. If the target is far from you, but you want to save a few shots, you can make a "short zoom", which means that you tap Z just a little, zoom in, make a shot while the MD is zooming out. this allows you to see more "pixels" of the target and do fine tuning in the time the MD is in the zoom process. but again, this is hard to get used to, so try it when its safe to do so.

MD camp mode : Press and hold Z, get to know places where aliens come out, and kill whore as much as you can. dont forget to donate.

MD is mostly effective against dretches. So-so effective against basis and maras. You will have hard time trying to kill goon with it (but it is still possible). And completely ineffective against tyrants.

Pulse rifle : I do not have any tactics for this weapon, mostly due to its uselessness. Its only usage is when you are attacking alien base and do not have enough money for lucyfier cannon. As for the rest its pretty simple to kill a following dretch, but a tiny but skilled goon will easily kill you. Always have batpack when you use it.

Flamer : This is the most useful weapon....... In killing yourself. Man, get rid of this. Its a base killer, TKer and self-frier, with 0 damage dealt to anything bigger than dretch. Pretty impossible to attack or defend with it. Only when you are falling back. Waste on money.

Lucy cannon : Will make a separate post about it. Its a very long story, but this is the legendary weapon you could find.


==Lucifyer cannon==

Now... This is the most multi-functional weapon you could ever get.

Advantages :
Insanly high damage
Ability to replace a grenade
Ability to replace jetpack
Ability to accelerate yur movement
Ability to deal with any alien class and buildings

Disadvantages :
Base TK in non-skilled hands
Self kill in non-skilled hands
Low capacity without batpack.

There are a few modes for lucy cannon tactics. I will start with simple one:

1) Alt-fire : Fires a single slow-moving shot with 125 radius (3-4 dretch lengths). 37 damage (not sure, will look up later). Linialy decreasing damage from epicentre. 1 shot per second.

This is not really needed to lucy cannon, but if you are in vents, or you are 100% sure that you will hit that dretch without wasting 15 charges, then go for it. It is slow, so you will hvae to predict a lot further into the future unlike with other weapons. But experience is the answer here. You do not need a perfect aim.

2) Charge&shoot : This is the main use for lucy cannon. The beeeeep sounds starts when it is chrged to 2/3 of the max. The damage is calculated by 255*(1-x), where x is the percentage the lucy is chraged. It takes 2.55 seconds to charge it fully. Once it reaches 2.55, it "explodes" into your face, so be carefull. Fully charged shot can kill anything except tyrant. The radius of the explosition varies from 50 to 255, depending on the charge of it. Minimum charge is 30%. "Reload" time before the next charge is 1 second. You can make 9 fully charged shots.

You can kill anything except tyrant. If you hit tyrant with full-charge, he will be down to 150 hp, which means that the next shot will finish him off, and you do not need to charge it fully, just wait for beep, and release it. Operate with lucy in this mode as with shotgun, but bware of 1) selfdamage (you are right in front of goon, you will receive about 25 dmg from FC (fully charged)). 2) the charge is slow, so make predictions, dretches can be annoying if you will try to hit them directly, use splashdamage, its better to waste 10 ammo on FC, rather than 12 on 4 just-charged shots. 3) do not shoot in the direction of your base. The charge is slow, and you have a pretty damn high chance that it wont hit alien on its way to armory (FC will kill armory in 1 shot).

Sometimes its a good idea to shoot charge into the "escaping" path for aliens, rather than trying to predict that goons action. While retreating they can "overtake" the charge, or, if they are unlucky, and for most of the cases they are, they will swallow it.

Use Radar, if you know that there is a tyrant around that corner, pre-charge cannon. Its better to waste a bit of ammo, than give 3 evos to aliens and loose earned 600 cred + helarm.

B-suit are less effective with lucy than helarm + batpack (and even without it). As the lucy requires a lot of coordination and pre-knwoledge about your surroundings. You are also ?faster? and dont loose your stamina that much.

3) Lucy spam : This is a subject of flame wars on the servers, but its a useful tactics as well. this does not mean that you spam the entrance of your base repeatedly, but on contrary, you spam the alien base, trying to kill enemy buildings using splash damage rather than direct hits. Lucy has a huge radius of explosion, and using sound you can determine whether you hit the target or not. Sometimes lucy can also hit "around the corner", for example on atcs.

----------------------|ACID HERE
>>>>>>>>X<<<<<<< Shoot here (X mark)

-------------------------------------------------------------/ ^ ^ bunker. ^ ^

If you shoot the X mark with full charged shots, you will be able to destroy 90%, if not all, defenses on the wall above the exit without even seeing them. There are a few such places on different maps, so learn and search for those.

4) Lucy jumps : This is a tricky technique, which will drain your health and ammo, but if not much jumps needed, it can replace jetpack and even be faster than in. Due to the splash damage of the lucy charge and its knockback, you can be launched quite far, if you hit the ground under your feet. But usually its uncontrolled and not used to its ax potential.

how to lucy jump properly :
1) Consider your health, lucy will do about 40 damage to helarm.
2) Always use full charged shot, otherwise you will not be launched far enough, but the damage dealt will be still high
3) jump JUST before the charge hits the ground, so you have your jump momentum + lucy kick.
4) you dont nessesary need to aim directly downwards, think of it as a jet engine, if you want to go sideways, you aim a bit further from you (angle up to 60 deg to vertical) in opposite direction to the one you want to go.

This will allow you to pursue goons quite effectively in certain cases. or access areas, where you usually dont have enough time to use your jet to get there. You can also escape tyrant with it, if you have a high ground near by, but do it before the first tyrant slash, otherwise you will not have enough time to 1) charge up 2) receive second slash 3) survive lucy damage. (and it usually ends up on 2nd rather than on 3d).

The heigh of the jump can vary, but usually its enough to get : Onto the top of the bunker on atcs. Onto the mid base from ground on rotcannon, also in that "hide the egg" spot, or the higher ground on rotcannon from mid, then on the glass cannon and even on the yellow rotating thingy. On arachnid you can jump up the pipes from ground. (that is useful isnt it?) And many more, again, look, think and learn.

In the extreme cases you can launch yourself in a low trajectory above the ground, reaching distant places fast, like a goon pounce. But that takes a lot of practise.

Okie, this is all about weapons, a general tips and tricks will follow + few more lucy tricks.


Okie, this time we will do a bit of talking on general tactics and alien classes.

As human for most of the times it is better to have helarm, and not bsuit, since you have an advantage of a radar, which is essential for offense and overall observability. Get used to keep an eye on it. Its refresh rate is quite slow (2-3 times a second), so make sure you updated the info for yourself in about every 3-4 refreshes if you are moving. If you are searching, or predict the danger, do not miss a single refresh. It is sufficient to whatch 2 refreshes to find movement and hence distinguish whether there are buildings, or aliens. Just experiment with the radar and try to "guess" where the target it. The large blob on the radar is the actal target projected in the volume of the radar. the line, leading from it onto the radar plane will give you both information about how high/low the target is relative to you and how far from you it is. The length of the line from the blob indicates the relative height of the target. and the place where that line hits the radar plane (not the blob itself!!) is the relative position in horizontal plane from you. Knowing the map you can quite accurately tell the position of the target on the radar without seeing it.

For most of the shooting situations, where you have to be accurate : ALWAYS MOVE!. Do not just stand still (unless its an MD camp)! You are not able to judge the distance if you stand still (well you are, but it is much harder to do so). there are 3 mechanisms to calculate the distance for the brain - first is the size of the target. But on such small distances it does not change much, and not very accurate. Second is relative to the constants - buildings, map entities. This one is more accurate, but it requires you to know the map perfectly. And the last one, and the most accurate one is stereo imaging. Try it yourself, place a few different objects on the table, look in the plane with them (from front side, so the table is parallel to your vision), close both eyes and ask friend to place them randomly in the line of your vision (but so that you can see each of them and they do not intercept with each other), then open ONE eye and do NOT move your head! Try to judge then on the placement of the objects. Most probably you wont be able to do that perfectly well. Now open your other eye, you will see the big difference in the image you see. Now repeat that, but do not open your other eye, on contrary, just move your head sideways, and back, you will see that now you can judge the relative position better. Same happens in the game. It is 2D screen, even if you are looking at it with both your eyes, the brain cannot build a 3D image of the world. To adapt to this you will have to move yourself, so that you have 2 images from different positions. Since the enviroment is dynamic you will have to repeat the movement. This allows you to always have a 3D image of the situation in your head, and judge/predict your shots much more accurately.

Again, try to predict how the situation will turn out at the end. Consider your credits, consider their evos, consider your health, positioning, their health, placement, their moves and your reaction to them. If you are a helarmed lucy bitch and see a pro tyrant near the bunker, and having 100 hp, it will be a good idea to lucy jump up, then you have a pretty much damn good chance of hitting him, while he is running up the ladder, since there is no way to strafe. and you can always jump down, if you see him going up the ladder, which gives you time to run back to base. Always consider if it is just better to run to base with 1 hp, not trying to dodge that dretch, or is it better to try to blaster him while dodging, but still retreating. This is not just a blind run and shoot. you have to think, you have to predict and know your capabilities.

All of the information above is given for freelancers. this is not teamwork oriented. Teamwork guide will take twice as much to write about whivh I am not going to do just yet. And trust me, I am not a loner when I fight. I just do not often have a teammate who knows how to teamwork. And that requires a lot of practise and precision + prediction. The overall efficiency of 2 teamworking players can be 3 times as high as efficiency of them 2, fighting alone.

Ok, I think thats it, lets get onto the aliens.

Granger : hey, cutie, get back to base, you have 50 hp, you feed 200$ and you cant even scratch their skin. You are also slow as hell and very loud. If you need to get somewhere and know that there will be humans, press Shift to slowwalk - at least it does not produce sounds. Also use bunnyhops incase of an emergency, I will get back on those pretty soon.

Dretch : now we are talking. This class is universal, it can kill EVERY damn human with any equipment he has. Just have to try quite hard. Its bite range allows you to make a headshot from ground, so do not jump that much, unless you need to gain extreme speeds. Wallwalk! again, Wallwalk!!!! this is your only chance to survive the bullets. The reach is enough for you to HS a bsuit from ceiling in the corridor on atcs, its hard, but it is possible!

Okie, now lets structure this.

Dretch vs rifle :
1) consider your skill
2) his skill
3) his health (you are not crazy to attack him having less than 25 hp are you?)
4) his ammo
5) his style (bursts, contineous fire, dodger, stand-shoot etc)
6) if its bursts its not your lucky day, try to dodge them, drain his ammo, once he is close to reload (always keep in mind his clip size and how many more bullets he has) start moving closer to him, always aim for the head, its 96 damage. Once you made a hs, you just need to hit him second time and the deal is dealt with. dont run madly for the second hit, it takes about 4 seconds for his mkit to regen him to 52 hp (body hit damage). If he is falling back, consider whether it is worth trying to keep up, or is it better to wait. if you made 96 damage its a defenite evo, even if someone else will kill him from 100 hp.
7) contineous is way easier, count it, once it is close to be empty, start the attack, try to kill him while he is reloading, then dodge another clip and continue. similar to 6.
8) if he has friends. Its very unlikely for them to be able to teamwork properly, so expect them to teambleed each other, which means that 4 damage to finish someone off will be dealt already and a simple single hs is not that big problem. In this case, as in the most, try to keep close to the human and always move around him.
9) if it is S2, always have poison charged. this means that making 1 hs, second later poison will make 4 more damage = 1 kill.
10) if there are bigger aliens around, use wallwalk and change your paths from ground to ceiling. Usually you are to be expected to use walls or ceiling, this confuses humans a bit more. Try to not to jump, it reduces your agility.
11) incase if you need to get somwhere fast, use bunnyhop. this is a common techinque used by aliens, since they dont have stamina. strafe in one direction moving forward (so your final vector movement is still forward), jump, change the strafe to the other side while in flight and press jump just before the landing, keep pressed till you jump again, then repeat. you will accelerate greatly and will accumulate the speed. You are prone to attacks at this moment but you move way faster than usual. so always consider the usage of this.
12) If you are waiting for the humans to come, always consider your placement - it has to be stealthy, but on the other hand easy to jump in and get HS. (HS = headshot). Also expect this place to be known and humans to be able to predict your movement. Again, consider their skill and your chances.

Dretch with helmed rifle :

1) do realise that this is hell harder than before. I am not sure about the HS damage at this stage (didnt bother to check it). but do try to get as much headshots as possible. You dont stand a chance here against a skilled player and the only solution to this is to teamwork with others. you will loose a few lives, but you will get him down and hopefully get enough evos for the goon.
2) always try to keep yourself above him if it is applicable, and look for his target, if its you, dodge it and let others to deal with him, once he switch, attack.
3) reload time is the time when you attack. Just pray to god that you will get at least 2 HSs in this time.
4) If you are waiting, wait near the ceiling on the wall, dretch size lower from the ceiling. Just trust me. If you get this right you will not be visible on the radar.

Dretch with helmed lasgun :

1) RUUUUUN. If you are not forced to attack. try to get 1-2 Hses, and escape. Always escape out of his vision. This is your slayer, you dont stand a chance against a skilled lasgun 1 on 1. either dretchstorm, or bite&hide. 3 hits and you are dead.
2) Good idea to wait for him to attack buildings / bigger aliens and start attacking him till he switches back to you, then you run again.
3) always move, always dodge, always try to make him feel as least comfortable as you can. Its hard to aim above yourself, since you have a "stopper" point, so keep above him.

Dretch with helmed MD :

Skilled MD - you are a toast
Noob MD - he is an easy food.

This is it, you dont have a chance to run away, if it hits, you are dead. So make sure that if you attack you just must do it, if not then try not to.

will be continued...

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:54 pm
by ==Troy==
Check official Tremulous forum. The Guide is there now and all the last updates will be there as well + a lot of spam from other users

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:32 pm
by ==Troy==

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 1:57 pm
by Rotacak
Dretch should be green with grenade :)

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:51 pm
by ==Troy==
yellow = basically same chances to hit it or not to hit it... )

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:59 pm
by Rotacak
But when is dretch hitted with grenade, then is almost everytime killed :) Others can survive.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:37 am
by RipeFlesh
Awesome guide..

Now I shall become a killwhore!!!!!!!!

I wish..

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:58 am
by ramos
RipeFlesh wrote:Awesome guide..

Now I shall become a killwhore!!!!!!!!

I wish..

looooooooooool your crazy rip !

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:52 pm
by guzza
man this is LOOONG :) my tutorial goes something like this : tremulous
2.start playing
3.get called noob first month fascinated with the ability of wallwalking confused with wallwalking
6.test ur first "itemact gren" bind in ur human base
7.find the holy grail by figuring u can headbite from the floor.
8.find the holy grail by maraing stuff that sometimes when u dont feel like playing luci spamming is relaxing
10. find out you like adv goon sniping :)


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:47 pm
by ramos
guzza wrote:man this is LOOONG :) my tutorial goes something like this :


you realy hate aren`t you ?

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:50 pm
by guzza
dude u know that im kidding ;)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 5:07 pm
by Jalaco
guzza wrote:man this is LOOONG :) my tutorial goes something like this : tremulous
2.start playing
3.get called noob first month fascinated with the ability of wallwalking confused with wallwalking
6.test ur first "itemact gren" bind in ur human base
7.find the holy grail by figuring u can headbite from the floor.
8.find the holy grail by maraing stuff that sometimes when u dont feel like playing luci spamming is relaxing
10. find out you like adv goon sniping :)

hmmm I did most of that in the first month so yay (never gren tested in base) and I have taken out Ramos once or twice =P but everyonbe on unlimited still owns me... =[ well I'm off to get ready to go bye all

\\^// Jalaco \\^//