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To clear things up

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:33 pm
by Chidar_K_
Well today I was insulted as more things than I can possibly count. Things happened and this is the long version.

For long I've been playing on this server. I prefer playing against good players as only challange can improve my skills. I prefer joining the losing side for the sake of fairness.

Today I joined a game where aliens were raping humans. I joined the human team. I managed to get my team s3 with my awesome, unparalled god-like skills. Then the aliens had the hard time.

We hurt the alien base pretty bad. After some time had passed the aliens managed to get tyrs. This changed the tide of the game. I changed my tactics from offensive to defensive.

Soon after this redman joinend the game. Maybe because he hates me, maybe not, he joined the alien team. Now the teams were balanced 3 good players against 1 (in my opinion. Of course I didn't even have a full knowledge of all the players on the server).

-My definition of a good game: Skilled players on both sides.-

In the past month 9/10 of good games I had played, were balanced towards the enemy team. In fact, in those games all the good players had stacked into the enemy team (losing isn't hilarious).

Well I knew what was gonna happen: long camp with no chance to leave the base. People calling eachother campers and stuff.

This time though, I decided I didn't want to ruin my good mood caused by the starting of the weekend. I joined spectators and decided to watch for a while before leaving the city to my family's cottage.

This however caused a huge reaction from the alien team. These are the phases of that reaction:

1) People are asking why did I leave?
2) I explain why.
3) Redman insults me a sore loser adding some neat details of my personality.
4) I explain my reasons a bit further and ask him not to insult me.
5) He pretends he didn't insult me.
6) I make an example: "Redman, you a childish idiot. I'm not insulting you. It's a fact". With this I tried to show him his insult. I agree this example was extreme, caused by my frustration, caused by the doubts of my friends and the insults of an individual.
7) Spectre says that as an admin I should set an example.

Now we finally got to the example part.

It was implied that my personality was to hate losing, always gor for win, childish and not being able to do my duties as an admin.

I was being pressured. My name was being devalued. I had to respond to these accusation. However when I did, I was again called childish for not being able to ignore them. Spectre said that as an admin I should have ignored the shit thrown at to me. Also as an admin I should have defended the human team to the end.

I am only human. I had played too many games against my friends. I had gotten bored of it.

Try to imagine how awful it is to fear losing the respect of one's friends and being insulted.

No fun, dudes, no fun.

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 6:21 pm
by CrackD0wn
so redman insults you and u tell him bad boy then waht?

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:13 pm
by Chidar_K_
Then nothing relevant is any longer associated to him.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:39 pm
by CrackD0wn
You should have gave him a warning

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:35 am
by Redman
Chidar_K_ wrote:Redman insults me a sore loser adding some neat details of my personality.
What do you want from me? I just said truth, you hate lossing. Me too, but i'm not posting it on forum.
Chidar_K_ wrote:you a childish idiot
Should I report it to admin and ban you permanently, because you insulted me one time? No. You should don't do it too.
Chidar_K_ wrote:Spectre says that as an admin I should set an example.
Spectre is right, but why you're not doing this?
CrackD0wn wrote:You should have gave him a warning
Yes, you should, instead of insulting me.
Chidar_K_ wrote:No fun, dudes, no fun.
Sure. Aliens against humans without any chance to win, because good player leaved...

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 4:06 pm
by UsaKilleR
Redman you are idiot. That might be the truth in my opinion but still why should I say it?

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:02 pm
by Chidar_K_
Redman, all I have against you is your habit of having something against me. I really don't care about you if you just play nice and quiet.

The reason of my post was not an action against you. It was a defensive action against all who were present at that time on the server.

I'm being an example most of the time. Sometimes I just need to relax though.

I did not warn Redman because I considered his words as opinions and as such warning him would have violated the freedom of speech.

My "No fun, dudes, no fun" comment (obviously) meant that getting attacked by his friends is not fun.

Redman, please don't separate parts from post and use them to against me. THAT'S no fun indeedn

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:21 pm
by nooteh
I believe you mostly solved the situation.

I just add that Chidar is right, warning for this is nonsense.
If redman abuses, then warning.

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:10 am
by Redman
Chidar_K_ wrote:I did not warn Redman because I considered his words as opinions and as such warning him would have violated the freedom of speech.
Then why you created this topic? I really don't understand you -.-

Btw, I was insulted two times, but nobody cares about it. WTF? Is admin more important than player?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:28 pm
by CrackD0wn
yes :D


All are equal and the rules apply for everyone

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 5:11 pm
by Chidar_K_
I created this topic to clear things up.

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:36 pm
by Redman
First, you would better stop instulting other people and then start topic like that -.-

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:06 pm
by kaotaja
Sorry to say Redman, but You can't tell anyone whether they are allowed to play the game or spectate, it's player choice and so is team selection.

Thou its only a game let's still play it fair. And about losing, it's true that Chidar doesn't like to lose, well, but who does :) ?

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:52 pm
by Redman
kaotaja wrote:And about losing, it's true that Chidar doesn't like to lose
You insluted him. Expect "To clear things up 2" topic soon... xD

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:40 pm
by Chidar_K_
Redman, stop separating stuff from it's context. It equals to lying.