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Is Crack|Down idiot?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:21 pm
by nooteh
Crackdown is a known player and flamer on this forum, but he gave me a great advice. Make another topic about him. So I did.

My opinion:

You're lying and if anybody tells you the truth, then you're insulting for example me. You purposely write like 5 years old child that knows a keyboard for a week.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:11 pm
by Quarko
Problem is he is impulsive and childish.
Impulsive means that he overreacts everything.
His childishness can be seen in several aspects:
1) Can you imagine a >20 y.o man that types like he does, while being able to write perfect English (he wrote few messages in clear English)? The answer is no. That means that "qewl typing" is childish.
2) 80% of people playing with him noticed him leaving the game each time his team starts loosing. Usually he has one of the "my team are noobs" and "my mom came in and I shouldnt play" excuses.
You're lying and if anybody tells you the truth, then you're insulting for example me.
There are 2 ways of lying.
First one is strategic lying. That's what politics do.
The second one is lying the way you start believing it yourself and stand on your point even when the facts (he's also lasy, I bet he won't read till this line) against your point of view are overwhelming. This is a common childish behaviour.

But generally I think that 90% tremulous players share the same traits Crackdown do. The only difference is that Crackdown likes talking A LOT.

By the way, try to sum up these several points stated by him:
1) His behaviour.
2) Him studying in some prestigious school.
3) "Sometimes I play tremulous when I'm not allowed to".
Summing it all up shows us that even that Crackdown is proud to study in such school, he does not really appreciate his situation because he plays Tremulous using his homework time. I can find no other reason for parents to disallow a kid to play tremulous...

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:21 pm
by nooteh
I agree, but the worst his problem is that he doesn't admit anything from anybody. He still keeps his opinion as truth.

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:07 am
by CrackD0wn
well i aint typing for my world literature essay so i can internet talk omitting certain words

if u judge someone by the way they talk on the internet then you are really retarded. you fail to consider other possibilities

oh shit i didnt start with a capital letter, crap im gonna get a C now

the point is wats the use of writing perfect english on some internet gamin forum?

its not like i type lIk3 tHi5

the fact that you actually took your time to make a topic on me actually shows that have nothing better to do except go on the internet and flame on kids. so basically ur sad

on the internet i can act howver i want
i can be an offensive troll picking on ppl who decon/tk/etc or i can be a nice compassionate person

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:17 am
by [Matrix]
Its really hard to say since they are a lot more idiot ppl on trem

Just the other day some guy called uinston started sayin shit bout my mom and i was like WTF?

So yea you cant tell if crck is like this becuz hes that sorta person or that he acs towards like this mainly towards noobs

i usually play on other server and the first time i played on funserver i loved it (which was a few days ago)but then as i said the noob uinston started talking about my mom and i dont even knw this guy. its kinda weird since i dont even knw that douche

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:35 am
by Quarko
its not like i type lIk3 tHi5
Typing like that requires at least some effort.
the fact that you actually took your time to make a topic on me actually shows that have nothing better to do except go on the internet and flame on kids. so basically ur sad
You are right. Forums are created to make people's time when they have nothing else to do. I usually come to this forum when I'm too bored playing trem. Sometimes I find some funny topics (like this one) and participate there. That's what people do at forums, they discuss things :P
well i aint typing for my world literature essay so i can internet talk omitting certain words
Ok. Lookie here: ... =5&t=41463
That's some random quake3 forum I googled, and some random flood topic I picked. In your oppinion, how many people write essay's there?
What you are doing is violating the common etiquette in the web. Yes, you are not prohibited to write like child, but given that 99% people try their hardest to type with no typos - they see you in totally different light you do. That's the idea we are trying to push into your brain.
If, however, you do not care what 99% of people think about you - you may continue typing like you want, but do not expect any adequate responses from that 99% people group.
Just the other day some guy called uinston started sayin shit bout my mom and i was like WTF?
Yeah, Uinston is a known noob. Try asking Redman at this forum about him, he knows Uinston for ages and can tell you some crap about him :P

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 1:01 pm
by Redman
Is Crack|Down idiot?
Yes. You wrote here so much reasons so I don't need to write anything more.
Its really hard to say since they are a lot more idiot ppl on trem

Just the other day some guy called uinston started sayin shit bout my mom and i was like WTF?

So yea you cant tell if crck is like this becuz hes that sorta person or that he acs towards like this mainly towards noobs

i usually play on other server and the first time i played on funserver i loved it (which was a few days ago)but then as i said the noob uinston started talking about my mom and i dont even knw this guy. its kinda weird since i dont even knw that douche
You write like Crack|Down, you camp like Crack|Down, you killwhore like Crack|Down, you cry after death like Crack|Down (I think you call me noob, because I just pwned your lasgun when you were camping and killwhoring on little poor dretches), maybe you are Crack|Down?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 2:00 pm
by nooteh
CrackDown: I'm not a teacher to learn you how to write. But I'm pissed off even if czech idiots write the way I nearly can't read their messages.

Redman wrote:
Is Crack|Down idiot?
You write like Crack|Down, you camp like Crack|Down, you killwhore like Crack|Down, you cry after death like Crack|Down (I think you call me noob, because I just pwned your lasgun when you were camping and killwhoring on little poor dretches), maybe you are Crack|Down?
Hehe, Once I was bored, so I came to the funserver under UnnamedPlayer0. I wrote "noob" each time I killed crackdown. He started to insult me, how noob and idiot I am and so... I was just laughing, because all those name callings fit to him.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:50 pm
by Quarko
nooteh wrote:Hehe, Once I was bored, so I came to the funserver under UnnamedPlayer0. I wrote "noob" each time I killed crackdown. He started to insult me, how noob and idiot I am and so... I was just laughing, because all those name callings fit to him.
Ha ha, this was really fun thing to do:


Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:42 pm
by nooteh
Hehe, caught in the act :)

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 4:42 pm
by Preddy
Let's ban him to give him enough time to study such a prestigious school :-))