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crazy suggestions (tubebomb, female human, acid residue ...)

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:50 pm
by God, maker of the world
The aliens are aliens, right? So, why don't they have acid for blood? When OM goes down, you better don't walk there cause you get hurt. Why not do that with rants, too? And less acid for smaller aliens, just dependent on the size.

A tubebomb would be fun: Aliens can throw a grenade that will build a few acid tubes in a radius. Without an egg, they will of course explode after a short time. So, they'll blow acid a few times, then they explode and there is more acid. And no, I am not on acid. And if aliens are wise enough to make a nearby egg before, the tubes won't explode. Why should only humans have the ability to throw hell into enemy base? :)

And need I say that the first trem server to implement female human models would be legend?

Also, I'd like to say that funserver CZ could use a slightly shorter buildtimer. Maybe 80-90% of what it is now.

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:10 pm
by Nomad
May be suicide dretch :twisted: cost: 2 evos

damage: 99 :twisted:

He will blow by pressing Q and explode like rant blob in KorX

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 5:08 pm
by God, maker of the world
Another crazy suggestion:

Bright events (like an explosion or even a luci ball) could, while in view, cause the overall brightness (through gamma?) of the viewer to go down and, once the light is out of view (or just gone), fade (relatively quickly) back up again, giving a stronger feeling of a physical event and increasing the light contrast between a fireball and standard room lighting.

Oh, the same could happen for sound, too. Bang, you're half deaf for half a second or so.

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:21 pm
by CrackD0wn
humans should have flash bang ^^

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:57 pm
by Quarko
My suggestion would be that you find someone to implement all of your ideas to tremulous :D

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:32 pm
by Rotacak
Acid - you mean human will be hurted when touched alien?

Tubebomb would be too much strong. But you can use Bush :)

Female human model should be easy, but where to get that model?

Short builder - hmm, better is extend sd vote.

Brightness - something similar - should be on flare.

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:01 am
by God, maker of the world
> Acid - you mean human will be hurted when touched alien?

No, think of an exploded overmind: The place where it was is dangerous with acid, and some acid splashed around (so don't be too close).

> Tubebomb would be too much strong. But you can use Bush

I'd accept that if builder could somehow throw the building instead of having to place it right at his nose. How would you make a tube/bush in the midst of a heavy turreted base?

OMG, a builder is near! Kill it with fire! Or it's gonna throw buildings into our base!

Could be like the advanced goon: Needs to recharge before it can throw a building instead of just building it in front of its nose.

> Female human model should be easy, but where to get that model?

*shrug* :/

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:06 pm
by Quarko
Hm, I'm thinking something else now.

How about we add some secondary adv-dragoon attack instead that uses the same amount of ammo but does gas explosion effect (like the bush)?

Or, it could eat 3 barbs at once, but do collateral acid damage (including structures) with.. lets say 2/3 of normal barb damage.

This way, 3 fully charged goons can kill several rets behind the corner.

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:26 pm
by Nomad
Quarko wrote:Hm, I'm thinking something else now.

How about we add some secondary adv-dragoon attack instead that uses the same amount of ammo but does gas explosion effect (like the bush)?

Or, it could eat 3 barbs at once, but do collateral acid damage (including structures) with.. lets say 2/3 of normal barb damage.

This way, 3 fully charged goons can kill several rets behind the corner.

Nice idea quark.... i think the game will be more balanced... because mines are FUCKING GOOD for humans

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:36 pm
by CrackD0wn
yea i agree

now all humans do is mine mine mine

everywhere you go is mines

Nomad learned that the hard way ;p

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:08 am
by God, maker of the world
The mine problem is mainly the following, I think:

You come with your [rant|goon|etc.] and boom, you're dead. Unfair sneaky spam power.

It would be more bearable if aliens could detect the mines. For example, what if an alien can hear some small buzzing sound when it is already very close to the mine?

This would force rants etc. to be slow instead of charging, but at least they had a chance instead of suddenly being dead.

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:26 am
by Nomad
May be get a mine visible on the alien radar... it will fix the problem

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:12 am
by CrackD0wn
nah that just ruins the fun then

besides alien can only detect living organisms on their radar ^^

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:36 pm
by Rotacak
God, maker of the world wrote:> Acid - you mean human will be hurted when touched alien?

No, think of an exploded overmind: The place where it was is dangerous with acid, and some acid splashed around (so don't be too close).
But that working already in trem.

Throwing buildables - imagine how you will fill human base with acids and hives :) Besides, alien buildables need egg near.

About mines: you can notice, that mines not causing human wining (only after arma in sd). Many "mine spam" games ends like "aliens win", like before. It looks like mines are overpowered, but it's not fully true. It only changing aliens tactic - you need to report mines and dretches have to disarm them. And mines mainly lowering humans credits - you see more mines but smaller amount suitchainers etc. Even with this - naked humans have bigger chance to kill tyrant when they will trap him in minefield - instead of normal trem: no chance to kill anything with naked team. Mines can be overpowered only when in human team is very good player with many credits and spamming mines.

I see only one negative thing on mines - when you are alien (goon) and traveling trough map, suddently boom and you are dead. That is really annoying. But displaying mines on alien radar will lose that nice feel with placing secret mines :) Maybe lowering mine damage to 249 (adv goon will survive) should help.

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:58 am
by God, maker of the world

> besides alien can only detect living organisms on their radar ^^

Like for example human buildings? ;)


> [exploded overmind acid] But that working already in trem.

Yes. It was an example for what I had in mind for a killed alien.

> Throwing buildables - imagine how you will fill human base with acids and hives Besides, alien buildables need egg near.

Exactly: The granger cannot throw his buildings if he has no egg nearby - so humans have to take care of eggs near base. If there is egg and so granger can throw building, the place where he throws it will not have egg area and so the building will explode before being fully made, resulting in acid attack, as usual. But maybe aliens manage to have an egg real close to human base, and so the building will fully grow and function.

> Maybe lowering mine damage to 249 (adv goon will survive) should help.

That might actually be the perfect solution.