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Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:43 pm
by ramos
I want to start a campaning to bring new life to tremulous cause few and few people play it

1. Someone can make a HOT video trailer for the game and post it on you tube ?
2. Some banners with link to trailer and link to a downloadeble Tremulous game
3. a faceboock and hi5 profile of the game

SO who is in ?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:00 pm
by Battle[GR]
Can the Cyber Police help?

Srsly though its a good idea, I guess I could record some gameplay and edit it with other ppls gameplay footage to make a trailer. facebook ads would be expensive...

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:20 pm
by Rotacak
I planning animated banner and video too, but i have crappy comp for video making :( Need new.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:51 pm
by ramos
Thats the spirit , bwt robocop , about the trailer can you make some animation of tremulus ? you know like a intro movie in flash or somting not just gameplay footage cause thats a litle non profesional :P

And rota when you have a banner can you make it at clik to be linked to a trailer and one banner to the download ?

Here is some art i found about tremulous( i can make the art miself but im only good at hand drawing , excelent i may add but i suck at pc drawings)



Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:26 am
by sindarus
good idea but real graphisme are'nt as nice as on poster... and tremulous ABSOLUTLY NEED A SCENARIO

-space invader
-humans colonization
-each map has his own scenaio:


when H arrived on mars, they builded a great base (the great base can be an other map) . But the base was always attacked. Then, humans decided they build an advanced tactical combat environnement to train their soldier: they captured many Alien to they proliferates on ATCS. Then, humies trained fighing against aliens

but i think scenario can't be maked by people other than creators

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:36 am
by Wavesynck
Guys, I'm buying an AMD Phenom II Quad-core 945 till September, so I could help ye with video editing, that'd be speedy. :)
Devs are too lazy/busy to make scenarios.
And I can help you with footage, I think.
A good idea overall.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:02 am
by Rotacak
ramos: I can. BTW, draw pictures by hand and then scan them to pc.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:41 pm
by Battle[GR]
I'm a fairly skilled fanfic writer on certain forums, so if there's any help needed with backstory I'm available. Also if extra sounds are needed during videos or animations or whatever I can work some sorcery on household noises to produce some sci-fi-esque stuff...

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:26 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
Me too... I can make anything you want... Gimme time and ill learn everything xD.

Cyber Police must coordinate this project! If this not brake the Cyber Law! :D

Well help