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Why the f?

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:55 pm

big_box5. better than 4 or 1. cool.
still shitmap.
designed for maximum camp.
either rantcamp or lucispam in tight corridors.
camp camp camp.
nothing more.


esp one with benyhill.
md camp on om exit
s2 om kill
jet jet jet
or rush to control center than camp

why cant we promote (in maprotation) new maps like perseus or frosts new map?

or fucking highrise, ya i know snows cool, but besides that thers nothing more.


no changemap voting.
why the fuck theres a vote system if it gets canceled?
i understand one - some loser comes in and has to go h coz he cant aim. makes vote. cool, cancel failvotes.
cancel revengevotes.
cancel whatevet he fuck u want, BUT, if there are ppl on server - let them decide where they wanna play.
dax once said that ppl wanna play this map so he canceled a vote to draw or change. the point was to end 1,5h camping on both sides in forgotten bunker. i agree with dax - let ppl play where they want to play - let them vote.

5 min rule?


find a way to revert without admin present.
like - xyz was kicked -r decon >>> revert x.
at least rc and om.

a whore named boom/headshot or sth like that, yesterday, gets muted coz he spams stupid pussy shit.
reconnect, newname, like "noob pussy loser", decons rc seconds before sd.
amazingly we had a speedy builder who starded to build rc mere seconds before sd.
noob pussy loser aka unnamedno1 now, reconnects and painsaws rc.

there was a way (if/else script like stuff) to recognize that at sd or no sd - rc deconstructed by xyz>xyz disconnected or kicked > revert rc.
or - make rc with impossible to kill with firendly fire.

why cant we have it?
steal ideas from other servers if u must.


i dig that some losers are afraid or have no skill.
fine. they r the most popular server guests, they keep it alive, rotagames prolly too.
let them be pussyfucks. fine by me.
camping in one fucking spot all time (not 5 mins, i mean all fucking game, 30 mins or more) is retarded - esp dude named spl@- hes the bigget campwhore ive ever seen and ive seen most here.
u r a loser. fine.
u r afraid. fine.
but jetwhoring is lame.
all the time. all_the_time.
even guys like borsio do it.
they jet all time spam chain, las or md.
there are 4-5 of them. its annoying.

why is the jet not limited?
it CAN be done.
was in 1.1
can be here too.


i swear and bitch a lot ingame.
dont like it -ignore or warn/mute if u have lvl.
but - some ppl should grow balls.

im in better position than admins.
coz - i can and will callvote mute - if i arbitraly decide that u r spamming or ghosting or maming someone without reason. like being a pussy.
i can and will callvote kick losers who camp all the fucking time. let ppl decide. there a difference when u HAVE TO camp (anywhere eles then on top rc is acidspam) and when u dont (u have bunker, hallway and u sit behind rets with md).

regarding a man who inspired me to write all this vent - lanac
u sir should grow a fucking pair.
some ppl are better than u. some ppl are better than me - and i know who is and whos not. regardless. if u whine about "dont changevote/noobvote" - ur shitmap still is for camp only.
rebuild it (no lame teleports with thousand of acid or tesla on other side, remove teleports for good. all of them. bigger doors. i mean fucking!!!! bigger!!!! like 2 times lenght/width. wider corridors - rantwhoring or lucispam now, dont aim just shoot).
or stop cancelvoting (yes u abuse a lot. doing shit like - join aliens, immediately vote admit, than as admin >passvote. than ofcourse bigbox. dude. want to test ur map - fine, dont force ppl to play this shit until its playable). want advice - go ask uniq. hell thell u.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:20 pm
by Lanac
U really piss me off. 1st admins have no passvotes. 2nd i cancel vote cjange maps only it passes 5 minutes.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:40 pm
u being pissed off is ur problem.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:42 pm
by Battle[GR]
Please mind your language, grmg.
Lanac speaks the truth, personally after the sudden death period I wanted a changemap, but I only did what an admin should do after that time. Until the votemaps are automatically locked after that time, I'm afraid it is the admins' duty.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:43 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
I like this guy... He is talking openly and says true... But we cannot change all what is here... We CANNOT do anything bout camp... Want us to throw players away? Camping is part of game. We can change rules, but not all players are pros, or even experienced... New players that dont know how to play WILL camp... We have to ban them for that? Or send them to die? I know... You would prefer second option.

You know why it is 5 min rule? Becouse PEOPLE are always CHANGING map when they know they are LOOSING. You can change map at start of game, you have like 5 min to do so... If you have chosen it, you can choose NEXT MAP... Its new invention and it allows you to play map till end... You say that camping is noobish but finishing map by changing is noobstyle, and would bring more noobness and thousands of votes... If ya dun understand I can explain it to you in polish MORE.

You dont like our admins here? You can always try to be one and SEE how hard it is... And our decisions arent always crystal clear... We make mistakes but we do it, cuz we want server to be nice and clean... We have responsibilities and RULES that we must OBEY. There are balanced rules and R UNLIMITED CZ has been online for long time... We are elastic too... You can do something like this THREAD to bring some new rules, that will be talked about with our admin team. We are open for new things...

Though you should use more polite language... ARE YOU ONE OF NOOBS ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? With your language? I think yes... Though I know from games that you arent... Even if youre pissed, try to stand higher than them, and just say all things W/O using insulting swear words...

Lanac map isnt perfect, but it is better than most of noob maps... It isnt superb, I know... But have you done any mapping? Try to do one map that will have big gamecounter and will be nice and clean... If you dont do it, you can criticise it by NOT PLAYING it and not just insulting (a.k.a previous paragraph of my essey to you)

Reverting that is possible, but to do so, you need to get in comand system and change it alot... Its lot of work so if you find ANYONE who can do it with current game.qvm and other files, bring him here and we will talk about it!

PS:spl@ <----I HATE HIM TOO
PS2:You didnt heard that last PS... YOU DIDNT SEE IT!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:31 pm
by Iltavuo
1) While I'm not a fan of the mentioned maps, people still like to play them. Which in the end is all that matters.

2) Nod pretty much said all there was about this. If we allowed every change map vote, we'd never finish any games. If it's a long game where no one is making progress, call a vote to draw the game.

3) Would be nice I guess if it was well thought/implemented, but who's going to do it?

4) I'd say 80% of the campers are totaly useless for their teams. While Spl@ usualy does nothing else but sits/jets in his base with lasgun, I don't think he ever has prevented me from zapping/sniping the base down. His aim is poor and lasgun doesn't have a high dps. If they jetcamp outside the base on the sky, it just means there are less people defending the base.

5) I don't really mind what you say ingame, but I will cancel all the kick votes with a reason like "camping/etc". It's allowed on the server. If SatGNU server was still up I'd kick campers there without remorse(unless they were total newbies).

6) Lanac might become a bit hostile when people judge his map, and you most likely didn't use the kindest of words. Abusing the admit defeat vote shouldn't be done, I ban anyone who does so ( joining a team before anyone else has -> calling an admit defeat -> game ends before it started basicly )

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:08 pm
by Rotacak
2) Try to build 30 minutes and then someone will vote change map and all your work is for nothing. You will be happy?

3) You need to ask developers fo adding this. But without online registration on website it will be always problem.

4) Camp and jetcamp is no problem at all, if you playing like team, not like alone Rambo.

6) If some admin doing something bad, you have to report it here, with information and time.

Btw, if you will let "people decide" then 80% players will be kicked with reason "noob/camp/feed/aimbot" and map will be never finished (changemap). True is, that probably you would be kicked often with "let people decide" rule, for camping (because you making credits), for feed (because you dont want be kicked for camp, so you attacking tyrant with rifle) or for aimbot (because you killed two dretch with luci = haxxor).

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:08 pm
by Lanac
The thing is that i never make admit defeat votes becouse i HATE that votes, especially when we lost om/rc and someone make admit defeat. I called admit defeat vote ONLY when map is endless. I dont mind if someone dont like my map, that is their opinion. I like when someone give me some advice, but grmg´&#347; advice is pointless. I cant remove all teleports. That means i cant make secrets, and i like secrets. IM still taking advice that actualy have sense, like nods advice. My next map will be something like mercy-b2.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:06 pm
by Quarko
1) Confirmed, but people like stupid/unbalanced/campish maps for some reason. It's hard to find an argument against that. Probably it is the only way for newbies to show they are worth of something too. When you can't rush with everyone, you tend to at least get the highest possible position in score-table, and that is best accomplished by camping. That leads to stupid/unbalanced/campish maps being so popular.
As for me, I got used to that kind of maps by making a challenge to myself. The challenge is to end the game as soon as possible to show the newbies how unbalanced the map is. So, I join the upper-hand team as fast as possible and proceed to kill the enemy as soon as possible. Try doing the same - and you will get used to it.

2) It is horribly annoying when you join some game, build for 5 minutes (2 players can build a perfect ATCS base in 5 minutes), then someone calls a mapvote and all your efforts go POOF. Next game you will probably not build anything or leave the server at all. Are you sure that is good?
That is why admins cancel the votes after 5 minutes of gameplay. If you managed to play for 5 minutes - you should have already decided that you want to play this map.

noob pussy loser aka unnamedno1 now, reconnects and painsaws rc.
The problem here is that no admin banned the guy after the first decon. Even if he has dynamic IP - he should have been subnet banned.
there was a way (if/else script like stuff) to recognize that at sd or no sd - rc deconstructed by xyz>xyz disconnected or kicked > revert rc.
or - make rc with impossible to kill with firendly fire.
The problem is, it is very hard to write mods for Trem 1.2 now. It is not yet officially released, so it gets updated by the original developers very often. Fixing bugs, rebalancing, adding stuff, etc. If some server starts adding it's unique features like you are requesting - each next official tremulous update will bring a lot of pain in the ass to merge it all together and make it work properly again.

4. Read the first answer. I agree on jet limiting though. Wanted it all the time even in 1.1.

i swear and bitch a lot ingame.
That is bad.
im in better position than admins.
coz - i can and will callvote mute - if i arbitraly decide that u r spamming or ghosting or maming someone without reason. like being a pussy.
That is good.
i can and will callvote kick losers who camp all the fucking time.
That is bad.
let ppl decide. there a difference when u HAVE TO camp (anywhere eles then on top rc is acidspam) and when u dont (u have bunker, hallway and u sit behind rets with md).
Now look at it from different POV:
If camping is allowed - any talk about camping can be ended with this statement.
If, however, camping is disallowed - you will have a lots and lots of headache by constant discussions like "I didn't camp, I was healing!", "I didn't camp, I was building!", "I was on my way to base!", "I got bitten by dretch and had to come back to medi to heal, yes 4 times!", etc. Are you sure you want to check EACH CASE to become sure that someone camps while he was able not to camp?

Imagine you get killed by same guy in same spot 3 times. How the hell can you be sure he is camping? Maybe that was just a coincidence and he ran all over the map in the meanwhile? Yet, you will not investigate - you will just "/callvote kick nickname -r CAMPZOR!!!111eleven". Then every other noob will press F1 to kick one of the enemy team players and WHOOP, -1 good player doing the best he could in this game.

u sir should grow a fucking pair.
some ppl are better than u. some ppl are better than me - and i know who is and whos not. regardless. if u whine about "dont changevote/noobvote" - ur shitmap still is for camp only.
Some people deserve to be kicked from the game, some people deserve to be kicked in the face - and I have a feeling you deserve both. Sorry for being so rude, but expressing yourself using so much 'bad words' only makes me hate you more with each sentence I read. I think you are either some 10y.o. kid, or an adult that achieved nothing in real life and is acting like a kid now because 'stupid game won't let me win!'. And I really hope that you are 10y.o. kid.

Ok, back to the topic. This question needs no answer as I answered it in previous answers.
rebuild it (no lame teleports with thousand of acid or tesla on other side, remove teleports for good. all of them. bigger doors. i mean fucking!!!! bigger!!!! like 2 times lenght/width. wider corridors - rantwhoring or lucispam now, dont aim just shoot).
or stop cancelvoting (yes u abuse a lot. doing shit like - join aliens, immediately vote admit, than as admin >passvote. than ofcourse bigbox. dude. want to test ur map - fine, dont force ppl to play this shit until its playable). want advice - go ask uniq. hell thell u.
Ok, now I'm laughing. I've successfully imagined a fat 10y.o. kid kicking his keyboard with anger writing "fucking!!!! bigger!!!!". That is funny as hell. Also, Mr. Freid could tell something about you wanting to "make it bigger" ;).

Can you show any damn proof that Lanac passvoted any mapvote to launch his map? No? Orly? Well, kid, until you get any proof of that, you can smash your keyboard and bite it and drool all over it but nothing will change.

TL/DR: Author is mostly right, but acts like a kid wanting a world to spin around him and him alone. Also he has no proof of Lanac doing any kind of abuse.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:04 pm
by Lanac
Idk why, but grmg hates me for no reason. i never did something wrong, he keeps makin n00b, failer, whne HE GOT KILLED. Example that happend: i wqas rant, he was rifle. he rushed me, and when i killed him, he said: failrant. now, who really fail here? Becouse i think he fails and than he need some rage to keep him calm. I never saw such flaming and raging person in my entire life. So im leaving this topic with no more comments.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:10 pm
by Fumbles
Quarko and nod are pretty much right. I thought you wouldn't be one of those people posting this , all those people who say "let the people decide" are basically saying let me get my way! Theres a reason there are admins, to keep the peace. Without admins the server wouldn't be playable for good players. A couple of days ago i was playing with nosound and a few others, after 5 min a vote was made to kick nosound for "aimbot" before i canceled it vote was 5 v 2, he clearly wasn't hacking but people want to make themselves look good by kicking better players than them. I played recently on fsw server and was kicked 4 times reason "ur too good" that is what our server would be like if there were no admins, im not even as good as nod and Iltavuo. Nod and Iltavou would be kicked everytime they went on if they werent admins/there were admins -_-

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:17 am
Iltavuo wrote:1) While I'm not a fan of the mentioned maps, people still like to play them. Which in the end is all that matters.
4) I'd say 80% of the campers are totaly useless for their teams (...) If they jetcamp outside the base on the sky, it just means there are less people defending the base.
Point taken.
Rotacak wrote: Try to build 30 minutes and then someone will vote change map and all your work is for nothing. You will be happy?
First of all, if u play to build (30 mins) nice looking retfarms - u fail.
Btw, if you will let "people decide" then 80% players will be kicked with reason "noob/camp/feed/aimbot" and map will be never finished (changemap). True is, that probably you would be kicked often with "let people decide" rule, for camping (because you making credits), for feed (because you dont want be kicked for camp, so you attacking tyrant with rifle) or for aimbot (because you killed two dretch with luci = haxxor).

Lanac wrote:The thing is that i never make admit defeat votes becouse i HATE that votes, especially when we lost om/rc and someone make admit defeat.
Thats when u make admitvote.
I dont mind if someone dont like my map, that is their opinion.
Good. I don't care, much, of others opinion either.
I like when someone give me some advice, but grmg´&#347; advice is pointless.
If you would THINK before ur nextmap, that would be good. Mouth shut, eyes open. Now to subject:

Theres nowhere u can hide from damage. Either as h or as a. No "greebles"/crates/juctions/ledges. Just boxrooms. Imagine atcs without corridors in hallway,without bunker in middle, without small walls near rc or om or the ones vis a vis om/rc. Now, in ur imagination use 3d projection. Where do u hide?
I cant remove all teleports.
Yes you can. First of all - THINK. Whats the difference between teleport and ie. atcs hallway? It's CHOICE. You can choose how close to chaincamping losernoobs will u go. Spla being a alltime camp winner will not go beyond - losing sight of medi. Me on the other hand being a "top feed the other team" will go and most time rifle until i die. But we both have CHOICE. Spla CAN rush, i CAN camp.
Now - teleports. What will happen on bigbox most of time, when both teams built defences. Instakill. Whatever Splas or mine intentions are, coming through tele - we die. Instakill from tesla or acid. Or campsuit/camprant. No choice. That's is pointless.

That means i cant make secrets, and i like secrets.
No Lanac. U don't like secrets. U like long, camping games, when u wait on the teleport exit to maul a lucisuit. Or to chain that mara.
How is greyroom a secret? Or skycastle? Or the room u showed me today on bigbox? Look at nintendoland.

What is the purpose of greyroom, when an oposing team CANT go in at all?
To have undestructible base.
Why does anyone undestructible base
Fear. Of. Losing.
Why then are devs struggling to BALANCE Trem?

Map CONTROL is what wins games and makes them INTERESING. Grayroom style maps are not about map control. They are about fear. That leads to camp. And darkside.

Quarko wrote: The challenge is to end the game as soon as possible to show the newbies how unbalanced the map is. So, I join the upper-hand team as fast as possible and proceed to kill the enemy as soon as possible.
"pro" term for this is stax.
Thats the other thing 1.2 was suposed to eliminate.

Imagine. Mess the wolf. Nod. Iltavuo. Nosound in one team. Vs noobs like FSW or DU. Its not the map in this case.
2) It is horribly annoying when you join some game, build for 5 minutes (2 players can build a perfect ATCS base in 5 minutes), then someone calls a mapvote and all your efforts go POOF. Next game you will probably not build anything or leave the server at all.
Adressed above.
If you managed to play for 5 minutes - you should have already decided that you want to play this map.
Good point.

The problem is, it is very hard to write mods for Trem 1.2 now. It is not yet officially released, so it gets updated by the original developers very often. Fixing bugs, rebalancing, adding stuff, etc. If some server starts adding it's unique features like you are requesting - each next official tremulous update will bring a lot of pain in the ass to merge it all together and make it work properly again.
Sounds reasonable. Is it true?

Aboute camping being alowed or not. For now i have, for now, no better idea why its alowed than my previous post.

And - camp being forbidden - rearly there was an issue of unfair votekicks for camp on Shafts or Corbina. There would be no issue here to. Pepole tend to do what they are told to do. Therefore a RULE would make them less ret-loving.

Some people deserve to be kicked from the game, some people deserve to be kicked in the face - and I have a feeling you deserve both.
A. Any RESOANBLE reason (sic!)?. Got one - callvote.
B. Currently I live in Poland, Lublin. COME.
Sorry for being so rude
Never apologize to ppl that don't care (really care - love/close friendship). It's usless for them, they don't care. Your showing where you're strings are. Some ppl use it. Beware.
but expressing yourself using so much 'bad words' only makes me hate you more with each sentence I read
U r making a mistake - hating. In reality, judging by you wanting to kick my face, you sir - are powerless.
Yeah, i bitch a lot. But never hate. Or get angry. Don't waste ur energy.
I think you are either some 10y.o. kid, or an adult that achieved nothing in real life and is acting like a kid now because 'stupid game won't let me win!'.
To simplify.
No and no, and no, and no.
I've successfully imagined a fat 10y.o.
That would mean there's possible also a second result - unsuccessfull imagination of a fat 10yo kid. You're more twisted than i am, and i'm a twin.
"fucking!!!! bigger!!!!". That is funny as hell. Also, Mr. Freid could tell something about you wanting to "make it bigger" ;).
LMAO. Good one.
Author is mostly right,

Author is damn well sure he's MOSTLY right. I wouldn't be posting this just to fuck around with Lanac.
wanting a world to spin around him and him alone.
True. That would be nice. Denying it has no point.
Lanac wrote:Idk why, but grmg hates me for no reason.
Theres a reson for everything. U should grow a pair. I shouls throw "fu" less.
Becouse i think he fails
Sometimes i do. When someone points it to me - i learn. Sometimes.
and than he need some rage to keep him calm
Don't follow. American Psycho is fucking awesome tho.
I never saw such flaming and raging person in my entire life.
Thats horrible. Go hug someone.

One way or another.
1. What can be done about camp? Resonably, without scaring away "imgonnadie noobs" from Rotagames? Uniq said sth bout domination server. Any info on that?
2. How can revert be implemented? Nod said sth about qvm. Some coding prolly. Is copy/paste from 1.1 possible?
3. Jet can be limited. 1.1 had it on some servers. It CAN be done. Just have to find someone who knows how. Copy/paste.
4. Can at least maprotation promote more normal maps, classic ones or new ones - like recently released by F1rst? Future of trem is in them. Not in grayroom.
5. @Rota. Is there a way to find statistical data on maps played, mapvotes etc? Would it be helpfull at all to Rotagames to know which maps are most played, most voted etc?

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:07 am
grmg take it easy, its just a game.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:02 am
by Quarko
Did you notice a slight change in OP messages? Much less 'bad words', started to use capital letters. Started to make his sentences much easier to read and they are much more constructive now.

Verdict: I think OP was drunk/high when he wrote original post.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:53 am
One way or another.
1. What can be done about camp? Resonably, without scaring away "imgonnadie noobs" from Rotagames? Uniq said sth bout domination server. Any info on that?
2. How can revert be implemented? Nod said sth about qvm. Some coding prolly. Is copy/paste from 1.1 possible?
3. Jet can be limited. 1.1 had it on some servers. It CAN be done. Just have to find someone who knows how. Copy/paste.
4. Can at least maprotation promote more normal maps, classic ones or new ones - like recently released by F1rst? Future of trem is in them. Not in grayroom.
5. @Rota. Is there a way to find statistical data on maps played, mapvotes etc? Would it be helpfull at all to Rotagames to know which maps are most played, most voted etc?