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Mapping: How does it work?

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:54 pm
by Battle[GR]
Inspired by Lanac's mapping, I want to learn how to create a simple Tremulous map.
Despite my ability to make tinfoil hats to ruin alien mind reading plots and the ability to urinate over twice my body weight in a week, I can't interpret the methods for map creation in any software used for the purpose. Is there any decent mapping software with an interface I can understand? (I mean something that a retard can understand) I have difficulty understanding the 3d view and am confused by the clases of things.
Tutorials, people?

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:56 pm
by Iltavuo
Grab Ingar's NetRadiant for your OS.

A lot of basic basic info about mapping in trem and links to other tutorials. Basic use of the map editor is pretty much the same in all idtech3 based games, so you can mostly use tutorials from games like quake3/jedi outcast/etc. There are a few things where things differ(like map requiring human/alien spawns, points where the camera is while you are in spawn queque), but the tremmapping page should cover that. Also try changing the layout in radiant. [Edit->Preferences->Interface->Layout]. The one with separate view for xy, xz and yz planes might be easier to use for a beginner.