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how do you save a demo name? and other.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:50 pm
by Redemption
title and + where does it go? i have ubuntu so can anyone help me out?

i'm making a trem moive so i need these. i got some good rushes today and som good funny fails. so the sooner i get this the better.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:04 pm
by Iltavuo
How do you save the name of the demo? I probably didn't get what you mean but write it down on paper/notepad. Using the command /record YourDemoFileName creates a file YourDemoFileName.dm_70 in the folder /tremulous/gpp/demos/. I'm not quite sure where this is on linux, but you should know/be able to find it with search options. You don't really need to know where they are though, unless you plan on sharing the demo files.

To play the demo, type /demo YourDemoFileName.dm_70. Just typing /demo and pressing TAB should list all the available demofiles. If you want to turn it into an .avi, use /video FileName and /stopvideo while watching the demo. The avi file will be in tremulous/gpp/video/ folder

This post might include false info because it's been a while since I last tried this stuff

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:33 pm
X_X, download fraps and make vids with it, set FPS to like 134950493 of fraps and start :)

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:40 pm
by Quarko
134950484 is usually smoother.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:45 am
by Redemption
PPNL wrote:X_X, download fraps and make vids with it, set FPS to like 134950493 of fraps and start :)
and how do you do this??

and thx for you help guys the vids are coming along nicely.

+ i got a vid from agaes ago where PPNL is trying to beat ITA and he rushes and kills all h then ita just comes and kills him with blaster :P