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sry to do this but something has to be done about him

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:23 pm
by Redemption
Pan_idealny or what ever. i know i have gotten in fights online with him.

but just trash talking to people and having no respect for anyone. i don't think i can appoligise for this action. he just picks fights with people he knows are new and when i but in and help them he just goes 'forget it your both nubs' or something like it.

me and pokemon have muted him more then 10 times already on the server. but today he said a 1 v 1 with pokemon and i said if you want him you have to get tho me. he just stoped talking then.

i know this sounds stupid but can an admin please talk to him and (hopfully) get him to trash his bad attitude. it's becoming a pain.

thanks: CyanKiller; Redemption; {NCC-Angel}FurryKind: Sir|AntiMatter; Dark-Knight

p.s. i have deleated the qkeys for Red, furry, and cyan, i never had a qkey for antiMatter.

Re: sry to do this but something has to be done about him

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:11 pm
Redemption wrote:Pan_idealny or what ever. i know i have gotten in fights online with him.

but just trash talking to people and having no respect for anyone.
Ummmm. No.
Trash talking isnt my buisness. I just call u noobs coz u r noobs who claim to have PRO skills. Thats all. My trem skill is decent at best. U just plain suck. Lanac did, Poke too.

he just picks fights with people he knows are new

Bullshit. I NEVER attack NEW ppl. I mess ONLY with u and Poke.

'forget it your both nubs'

Coz u r. Simple. Want proof? I NEVER deconned in my entire Trem-playing time. Not even in 1.1. Guess Who did.
but today he said a 1 v 1 with pokemon and i said if you want him you have to get tho me. he just stoped talking then.

That part i didnt saw. My bad.
When and where? First u. Then Poke. Choose a server where hes not banned.

i know this sounds stupid but can an admin please talk to him and (hopfully) get him to trash his bad attitude. it's becoming a pain.

I bow only to skill. Not power. Umm...with one exception of a guy named Powa. Love wordplay.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:18 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
Will ya bow to beee??? PLEAAASHEEE! Meh wanna bowing!!! YE YE!...

Propably not :(.

Anyway... He got bad attitude but he doesnt go overboard... Its lighter version of santa... You must get used to him, or leave... Ofc if he will be too much annoying, then we(admins) will stop him....

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:19 pm
by Battle[GR]
Nod_Nod_Nod wrote:Will ya bow to beee??? PLEAAASHEEE! Meh wanna bowing!!! YE YE!...

Propably not :(.

Anyway... He got bad attitude but he doesnt go overboard... Its lighter version of santa... You must get used to him, or leave... Ofc if he will be too much annoying, then we(admins) will stop him....
Ugh, Santa... *Painful flashback*

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:40 pm
Nod_Nod_Nod wrote:Will ya bow to beee??? PLEAAASHEEE! Meh wanna bowing!!! YE YE!...

Propably not :(.

Anyway... He got bad attitude but he doesnt go overboard... Its lighter version of santa... You must get used to him, or leave... Ofc if he will be too much annoying, then we(admins) will stop him....
I respect Your skill.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:24 pm
by Redemption
Battle[GR] wrote:
Nod_Nod_Nod wrote:Will ya bow to beee??? PLEAAASHEEE! Meh wanna bowing!!! YE YE!...

Propably not :(.

Anyway... He got bad attitude but he doesnt go overboard... Its lighter version of santa... You must get used to him, or leave... Ofc if he will be too much annoying, then we(admins) will stop him....
Ugh, Santa... *Painful flashback*
santa was infact a bad guy true... and had i known it was grmg i would of slaged him back with ''your mama'' jokes... i just didn't know it was grmg.

i have respect for you grmg cuz i've grown to you lock this topic it was fail of me to post it now.