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More Glitch Building

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:26 am
by Union
This is not sparta :( I put my favorite parts in bold. Condump first, screenshots second with the teams.
CP!Union entered the game
Reaper@Sparta was sniped by Antiga's Dragoon, 248 HP left
[H] Reaper@Sparta: but noone wanted to leave aliens!
[A] KonektCZ: I cant believe that space is accessible back here! WOW :D
[A] Antiga: do you guys wear armor or what?
|PM|DarkJedi was sniped by Antiga's Dragoon, 250 HP left
[A] Antiga: guess not
CP!Union joined the humans
|PM|DarkJedi left the humans
|PM|DarkJedi joined the aliens
(Reaper@Sparta): lol.
CP!Union left the humans
[S] CP!Union: who did the glitch building?
Reaper@Sparta was sniped by Antiga's Dragoon, 179 HP left
[A] RipeFlesh@sparta: Jal
[S] CP!Union: Jalaco?
[H] Reaper@Sparta: yes

]/condump jalacoglitch
Dumped console text to jalacoglitch.
[S] CP!Union: you know it's bannable on this server?
[H] Reaper@Sparta: yeah...
[H] masterkiller@sparta: what is
[S] CP!Union: glitch building = perma ban
|PM| Gamemonn was machinegunned by Reaper@Sparta, 100 HP left
[H] masterkiller@sparta: oh ya
[S] CP!Union: you guys better decon those eggs
[H] masterkiller@sparta: i dont really care
[A] RipeFlesh@sparta: Lol
[A] RipeFlesh@sparta: It was a small game
[H] masterkiller@sparta: as long as every body whos playing is ok with it
[A] RipeFlesh@sparta: We all agreed to it
|PM|DarkJedi was mass driven by Reaper@Sparta, 75 HP left
[A] Antiga: I didnt
[H] Reaper@Sparta: stop moving
[A] Antiga: But I dont care :)
[A] RipeFlesh@sparta: ...
[H] masterkiller@sparta: ok guys the eggs need to be deconned or else its the
rules i have to follow them
[H] masterkiller@sparta: ok guys the eggs need to be deconned or else its the
rules i have to follow them
[H] masterkiller@sparta: ok guys the eggs need to be deconned or else its the
rules i have to follow them
[H] masterkiller@sparta: ok guys the eggs need to be deconned or else its the
rules i have to follow them
[H] masterkiller@sparta: ok guys the eggs need to be deconned or else its the
rules i have to follow them
[H] masterkiller@sparta: ok guys the eggs need to be deconned or else its the
rules i have to follow them
[A] RipeFlesh@sparta: Dude
[A] RipeFlesh@sparta: Peopel don't care
RipeFlesh@sparta was killed by TEAMMATE |PM| Gamemonn, 250 HP left
[A] |PM| Gamemonn: i win!
[S] CP!Union: i care, i wanted to play an actual game
|PM| Gamemonn was killed by TEAMMATE RipeFlesh@sparta, 250 HP left
[H] masterkiller@sparta: ok but if rot gets on o ouch that might be ban or
hopfully he wont care
[A] RipeFlesh@sparta: It's troy that cares the most =p
|PM| Gamemonn was killed by TEAMMATE RipeFlesh@sparta, 250 HP left
[A] RipeFlesh@sparta: =D
[H] masterkiller@sparta: ya
[H] masterkiller@sparta: i dont like him


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:24 am
by ==Troy==
Jalaco? Hmm...

And why did you highlight that someone doesnt like me? I dont think this is unusual, on the other hand he has never seen me :roll:

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:03 pm
by Union
Because it was dumb that they were blaming a server rule (which is a rule on almost every server) on you.


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:23 pm
by ramos
Jalaco glitch ? Im surprised :shock:

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:08 pm
by ==Troy==
Personally Id PlayerClip all the outside volume of the maps. So that glitch building will not be possible :roll:

But yes, indeed, I am surprised myself that Jalaco has glitched. Ill ask Ripy if he is sure.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:49 pm
by Union
The problem it seems with that area especially is that it probably was intended to be part of the map before it was sealed.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:09 pm
by Union
So here is some more of what we know:
[A] Jalaco@Sparta: no I dont know allot of glitches on puse
[S] Google: i havent been here
[A] Jalaco@Sparta: other than the out of here one
[S] Google: no not pulse
[H] Reaper@Sparta: later guys...srry for short game.
[S] Google: this server
[A] RAMOS@sparta: np later
[A] Jalaco@Sparta: last night?
[H] Reaper@Sparta: bb all.
[S] Google: ANYTIME
[A] Jalaco@Sparta: bye!
Reaper@Sparta disconnected
[A] RAMOS@sparta: look on forum
[A] Jalaco@Sparta: ya
Arial_assult was sniped by RAMOS@sparta's Dragoon, 190 HP left
[S] Google: wtf man
[A] Jalaco@Sparta: last night I did
[A] RAMOS@sparta: hahahahaha
[S] Google: glitching is not allowed
Mickey_Mouse_in_da_House was bitten by Harley, 25 HP left
[S] Google: its a perma ban dude
Harley renamed to CP!Union
[A] CP!Union: lol
[A] Jalaco@Sparta: master said it was ok to have a sandbox glitch game
[A] Jalaco@Sparta: hes an admin

[S] Google: master?
[.Sec]Lunaciole was machinegunned by Arial_assult, 100 HP left
[S] Google: oh ok
Jalaco@Sparta was gunned down by a turret.
[S] Google: cool
AGA'zoom disconnected
[A] Jalaco@Sparta: ya
([.Sec]Lunaciole) (warehouse): oups
(Jalaco@Sparta) (warehouse top): hey luna!
[A] [.Sec]Lunaciole: :)
In my opinion Admins are supposed to enforce server rules, not go around telling people they don't have to follow them. Jalaco might not have know better, but Master shouldn't be encouraging glitch building.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:26 pm
by kaotaja
I do care and everyone knows I'm very keen at rules.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:30 am
by Jalaco

well I guess this means I wont be on as often...

and so before I go into a huge rant and say things I'll regret.... I guess I'll be on sst...

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:01 am
by ==Troy==
To Jalaco and rest. If you are allowed to break the rule by an admin you do not break it, you report the admin abuse. To do so have a SCREENSHOTS (not condump) of your chat with that admin (you can use PgUP and PgDOWN to scroll console). Demo will be even better, but screenies are sufficient. (again, not condump). On the other hand, if you break the rule, even if some admin told you so, its YOUR fault that you did it + his that he encouraged it. Lvl 3 admins are not admins, they are moderators. They are not allowed to change the rules, only enforce them.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 9:57 pm
by Jalaco
ok this has been resolved so can we maybe lock this topic and never speak of this again (that means you troy) please I'm sorry and will never do it again

\\^// Jalaco \\^//

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 10:32 pm
by ==Troy==
its not about you, jalaco, it is a general notice to every player on the server. personaly I don't care about you glitchbuilding. :roll:

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 3:10 am
by Jalaco
well you directly said "hey glitcher" when I joined so... if thats general then I'm an amazing trem player...

\\^// Jalaco \\^//

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:32 am
by ==Troy==
next time ill add *joking* after such phraze to make sure you got it right :)

If I am serious its usually immediate kick ;) (like it hapenned with epsilon)

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:15 pm
by Jalaco
... well ok its another day and I've never been able to hold a grudge so ya I forgive you but its the truth try as hard as I can I can never hold a grudge... it kinda sucks lol

\\^// Jalaco \\^//