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EDIT: soul, ego, you... are they real or not?

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:04 pm
by Redemption
just look at the deaths we're having today from slippy roads, earthquakes and whatnot
and tell me that mother earth does not want us off of her backside!!!

and even then there are some things in this world that make us want to kill people, kill ourselves (i for one almost did { i will not go any further with this matter}) and etc.

like cocaine, tobacco, etc. and if you want to have a eye witness account of smoking and young people just com to my school. people as young as 12 are smoking and then dieing at the age of 18 from drunk driving.

the world we live in is a world that is driving us insane every single day.

thanks for listening :Dark (knight)

EDIT: ok if you've just joined us then you're gona have to read the 3 pages but if you haven't then you prolly know why i named it that title just carry on now ^^

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:39 am
by Rotacak
You are victim of tv and press media. Earthquakes etc. was before, are now and will be in future.

That things, what make people kill, is: his small crappy brain.

World can be nice or bad and that is mainly up to YOU. I can be mad everytime when I read your small first characters in your sentences - and I am? No. :)

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:28 am
by pmd
Fear the LHC :D
The headcrabs will come, and only Gordon Freeman with his Crowbar will save the world!

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:41 am
by Lanac
Lol. Im laughing at darks post. Rotacaks post is true, it happend before. U only belive in TV and shits. They want us to belive that, same as in USA they r givin some chips, cant remember name. They want to do that, so they can control what we do and where we go.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:22 pm
by Quarko
The only thing I really do not like is that we have yet to conquer the space travel. Imagine this, all our civilization, progress, billions of people will simply vanish if a big rock (not even that much big) will fly from space into the earth. One accidental rock - and nothing remains of humankind. That's a bit depressing.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:33 pm
by Redemption
hell i won't be surprised if a tiny pebble comes rocketing down from space hits someone on the head and they get shocked says the worlds going to end and invents a space ship.

and even tho our space travel is slow, we still have (or are going to have) a space station up there.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:25 pm
by Rotacak
Chips - you mean some electrical thing inside body and will broadcast gps coords of you? Good! That should be in every single human on earth. Then will be rapidly lowered amount of criminals.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:52 pm
Redemption wrote:
Rotacak wrote:
Lanac wrote:

Go Europe.

The most important Utube video ever

Rotacak wrote:Chips - you mean some electrical thing inside body and will broadcast gps coords of you?
The problem is - its like with a knife - can cut your steak nicely, can also cut your neighbours kid too.

The so called chips have waaaaaaay to many uses in human body to use. If this would be ONLY gps positioning - we would have them used in bilions of ppl already. Dogs have it, why cant people?

We can use brainwaves (electromagnetism) to control a car. It would be silly to think that it can't be reversed.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:12 pm
by Redemption
*sigh* i'll number the problems out.

1) chips are not in human body uses as of yet, but could well be on the verge of becoming a numbering system for population and to keep track on crime.

2)i don't rly think dog chips have GPS settings, for many reasons. i do know that they have ID numbers in them but not GPS.

3)a car can not control a human simply being it's programming. it would need a vast network that is unseen and unheard of to do it. even then it would need a lot of time to program what it wanted the human to do, where to go, how to act, how to speak, etc..

it's just too many things could go wrong. even with chips inside their brain, the chip has to bypass the will of the being and even then keep the heart and lungs going for the period that it needs to have for the programming.

then there is the problem of overheating. the body keeps a set temperature and only changes when cold or sick.

then there is family, friends, parents, people you know by heart. it would all have to be compact to fit inside the persons "chip" which i think (by size) would be the size of the brain itself.

p.s. not to mention i have to heard of any AI yet to be made. all robots have to be programmed. all the counter measures accounted for. so if one route fails, the back up will be online withing milliseconds.
all this takes about 3 to 4 months programming and testing.

so the fact that you could control someone by car is almost impossible.
sry to rain on your parade but no not gona happen for another 100 or 50 years

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:08 pm
Redemption wrote:*sigh* i'll number the problems out.

1) chips are not in human body uses as of yet, but could well be on the verge of becoming a numbering system for population and to keep track on crime.
Ofc thats true if you believe the "operators of technology" will ONLY track criminals. Wake up Neo.
2)i don't rly think dog chips have GPS settings, for many reasons. i do know that they have ID numbers in them but not GPS.
RFIDs are easy to conceal or incorporate in other items. For example, in 2009 researchers at Bristol University successfully glued RFID micro-transponders to live ants in order to study their behavior.[9] This trend towards increasingly miniaturized RFIDs is likely to continue as technology advances.[citation needed]

Hitachi holds the record for the smallest RFID chip, at 0.05mm x 0.05mm. (bla bla bla) A major challenge is the attachment of the antennas, thus limiting read range to only millimeters.
from: ... turization

3)a car can not control a human simply being it's programming. it would need a vast network that is unseen and unheard of to do it. even then it would need a lot of time to program what it wanted the human to do, where to go, how to act, how to speak, etc..

The network is seen and heard of already.

If You can drive a car using ie. electrodes placed on Your skull - than means You have the interface and the connection established. The machine "understands" human thoughts as changes of eletromagnetic field.

True, its the human controling the machine but the basic mechanisms are already working.

it's just too many things could go wrong. even with chips inside their brain, the chip has to bypass the will of the being and even then keep the heart and lungs going for the period that it needs to have for the programming.
The trick is - it like a hot chick. You can't be NOT attracted to her by your CHOICE.

Lets say x part of brain changes an electic field in y way when u see a nice pair. You change the default field to y, You suddenly feel urge to grab Your hot neighbours' wife...hands of. Naughty You.

then there is the problem of overheating. the body keeps a set temperature and only changes when cold or sick.
Human body already has mechanisms to control temperature.
then there is family, friends, parents, people you know by heart. it would all have to be compact to fit inside the persons "chip" which i think (by size) would be the size of the brain itself.
Nope. You dont need to build a robot brain to replace a brain. You control the brain. Subtly ofc.

p.s. not to mention i have to heard of any AI yet to be made. all robots have to be programmed. all the counter measures accounted for. so if one route fails, the back up will be online withing milliseconds.
all this takes about 3 to 4 months programming and testing.

First of all, You dont need AI to control people. Other humans can lead brainless masses like they do now.

The Russians and their unothodox way of thinking gave them a lot of cool toys to play with. Sure enough one of them might be a sexy looking plane called PAK-FA. This plane does not only look sexy but also...

(bla bla bla)Although most of information about the PAK FA is classified, it is believed from interviews with people in the Russian Air Force and Defense Ministry that it will be stealthy,[9] have the ability to supercruise, be outfitted with the next generation of air-to-air, air-to-surface, and air-to-ship missiles, incorporate a fix-mounted AESA radar with a 1,500-element array[50] and have an "artificial intellect".[51]
so the fact that you could control someone by car is almost impossible.
Did You seriously believe that car is the EXACT medium. Fuckme, I wish i had put a dishwasher there. That would be fun

sry to rain on your parade but no not gona happen for another 100 or 50 years ... 08,00.html

Some highlights for ppl who cant read a4 of text.
U.S. Army has just awarded a $4 million contract to begin developing "thought helmets" that would harness silent brain waves for secure communication among troops. Ultimately, the Army hopes the project will "lead to direct mental control of military systems by thought alone."
video gamers are eagerly awaiting a crude commercial version of brain wave technology — a $299

The article is from 2008.

Do You seriously believe they JUST got the idea?
Do You seriously believe that kind of technology is worth ONLY 4m greenbucks?

And btw, theres a rule of thumb in military technology - show the world a toy, like sr71, tell them it flies mach 3 - but dont admit You have sr72 and it flies mach4.

Fuck me Red, bright, self thinking, and openminded ppl like You are the future of USA and its CEOs.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:18 pm
by Redemption
wah? did you just compliment me? or making fun of me... i'm lost O.O

another number porblems thingy: your think remotely from someone on a controller i'm think just as a person. like say if cars wanted to rule and they had an AI or someone programmed them to do it and died when it came into practice.

when i said control some by car i meant car controlling human. but not effectively in the human it's self. like just downloading programming into a human then letting it go.

your thinking of a "chip" that is unnoticeable by the bearer and is strong enough to control the subject at a distance and seem like she wasn't being controlled at all.

and the miltary using that mind thing is just another hoax, if you need helmets why not just breed test subjects into loads of clone that will have strong mind waves and beable to be replaced at a push of a button. i may not have facts but there is cloning out there if you look for it.
just a matter of time before they TRY IT ON US.

and just on a hunch here but you don't happen to be american do you?

if you ever think of this again think logically not ire-logically.

and if they ever do make the wave helmet it will be filed under "military use only" because if someone hacks that thing it could be a world of hurt for the army and the people with rape theft and brain washing.

hell there is brainwashing today. all you have to do is torture some unlucky soul into thinking it is who you say it is.
(have done it to my little bro... interesting results)

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:26 pm
Redemption wrote:


Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:48 pm
by Quarko
Red, there is such thing in sociology as a a law of large numbers. Even if the chip will be able to sliiightly change the mood of the human, even the tiniest bit, after multiplying that on 6 billion people you get colossal results and are able to control the crowd with only a few clicks.

As about more subtle control, each brain is a simple neural network. I call it simple, because artificial neural networks are being used for over 60 years, even most modern cars use very simple neural networks for various simple tasks. You can not make the device that will control everyone at distance as neural networks tend to develop randomly. However, you can constantly scan the brain in various spots and try to determine which part of CURRENT brain controls which emotion/action. After you get precise results (could take years to get that results) you can modify his feelings directly.

Lets take it to computers again for analogy. Imagine there is a game, and you want to give your character 10000 gold. The game is close sourced and you are a noob to decompile it and understand whats inside. However, you can scan the memory of the game (you will get several gigabytes of unsorted data while you have absolutely no idea what is in each part of it).
Now, we know that our character has 10 gold now. So we scan all that memory for number '10'. We will get millions results, but that's ok.
Next, we waste some money (now we have 8 gold) and scan all those results that had '10' for change to '8' in them.
Then we change the amount of money again, and rescan the memory again.
And you repeat that until you get 1 place in memory which changes together with the money value. Change it to 10000 and horray - our character is rich.

Absolutely same principle can be applied to controlling the brain. We have full access to magnetic charges on the brain but have no idea what they are. Then we wait until the human gets angry (increased heartbeat, adrenaline in blood, etc) and scan the changes in the brain. Then we wait until he is happy (increased specific hormones count in the blood) and scan the brain again. After several years of such scans - you will know precisely which part of brain affects what.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:54 pm
by Redemption
but that's for only one brain. it would take years to scan all the people and you would never be finished with it... cuz a baby is born almost every day.

so the result of this meaning less talk is this: mind control is possible but it would take years and would never end.

OR they could implant chips which read the electrodes and when the government wanted a human shield all they had to do was switch you on.

but sirsly this topic is freaking me out and i never started the whole "mind contorl with a chip" thing in the first place IT WAS ROTA!

me original topic was that it seems that earth has had enough as it could take and is trying to kill us or heal itself but killing us in the process.

hmpf, they say the brain is the hardest to understand. i agree.

(thinks what else to say and finds out he is speechless and hopes quarko has some silly thing to say to me so i can cheer up :) )

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:08 pm
by Quarko
*cheerful voice* Don't worry Red, human brain is simply a lots of neurons wired together with synapses. All your mind and consciousness are simply a very complex reflex. A wave of electricity that surges through your brain activating muscles and causing other similar waves of electricity. And a consciousness is an illusion that helps humans remain sane. Evolution has mysterious ways to work :)

I hope that cheered you up a bit :)