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Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:06 am
by epicaldude
valentin54 wrote:Rotacak : Did I ever lie ? NO, I admitted all my decons, and especially my bad behavior, I have NEVER been denying it.

You say Epical does not lie, here he just did when saying that he didn't decon the overmind. Logs are the best proof !

Oh well Epical is level 2.. I'd better shut up then.. let him go he has the power.. He's.. allowed to do stupid things..
So I *moved* the OM, in coordination with VNG builder.
At least the 2nd screenshot is then faked screenshot.
(also I did not deny deconstructing OM,I only asked for the date to remember what game was that to know what was the reason).
And the reason was valid/good as server logs show.

All clear? Good.

Listen here hater(s) (now aliased "Mr Humble Mara") -> only way to beat me is in fair game play on RCZ server. I am sorry that this might hard, but others try and succeed, we call them good players, be one (:

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:18 am
by Rotacak
epic: Both his screens are fake. You did not disconnect in that whole game, you finished it, in 42:14 aliens wins.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:55 pm
by Lorenzo Mr.Marauder
Rotacak wrote:That game was from 17.8.2012 and yes, epical intentionally destroyed OM.

Original log:

"Lorenzo Mr.Marauder": you dont need to make new account here to show us how much dumb you are.

You know what? I starting to like epical. He atleast speak truth and agree with consequencies due to his behavior.
On the other hand, there is few "normal" players, whose can turn into imposters, liars and deconners. Who is better? I choosing epical.
I wonder if honesty and troll at the same time is any better... oh by the way... i've done nothing so far to be a deconer... yeah well im dumb thank you... :)

And sorry about my bad joke

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:56 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
Lancer wrote:awesome paint skills man!