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DjAnderson(BR) deconer [1.2]

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 7:52 pm
by valentin54
This evening, playing on Nexus when DjAnderson started to bleed teammates, then he destroyed eggs and acids. After that, i called vote to kick him, and vote was succesful (7-1)

btw that's not the first that i see him deconning or teamkilling.

If you check the screenshots, you can notice that when he deconned a spawn, it wrote that i destroyed an acid.. but i was dretch..

(There are not many buildings deconned that we can see on screenies, but a lot of bleeds, that's why i reported. If i remember correctly, this guy was already banned this summer by Spl@ for the same reason.)

Screenies : ... 082no.jpg/

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:54 am
by TheMuffinMann
You know valentin54, the issue rather is that DjAnderson isn't a bad player... He's just a child who cannot speak English and cannot understand that people ARE better than he is, so he constantly calls most of the players Xiters and even tries to votekick them.

Yet you're correct, he ought to be banned for a short time, as the rules says, that deconning and teamkilling need to be punished.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:41 am
by Spl@
To be fair, there is evidence in those screenshots of DjAnderson building one barricade…

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:10 pm
by valentin54
Spl@ : i know, but i also told that he didn't stopped to bleed teammates.. Muffin : valentin54 = VAL in game ^^

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:39 pm

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:47 am
by Lancer
Awesome, goed gedaan poephoofd :-)

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:21 pm
by Quarko
PPNL wrote:
Fake. I can see by the pixels.