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menu dinner (or imposter, unregistered player) RC decon

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:57 am
by epicaldude
We where playing Rota11, and I was leading epical rush, while "menu dinner" (unregistered player) took a SAW to the RC.

I killed him to stop him (thus, technically my last 'shot' killed the RC heh) and we vote kicked him.

Reason for post: maybe expend the ban over default 30 minutes on votekick


Despite RC being killed while we had almost no base, and having 0 arm, 0 medi, 0 node,
we managed to hold up (I guarded with my saw)
and.. we won!
Very cool game actually - like to have some challenge (while in H)


Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:20 am
by valentin54
I only see 'Reactor DESTROYED by {Epic}Duuuuude ! ! !.

Then you deconned it, you need to be banned. (much stupidity ?)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:19 am
by Lancer
In theory, dinner menu tickled the RC, and you changed gameplay by killing it.

Ban epicaldude
epicaldude wrote:
Lancer wrote:Because the answer i seek is something that i requested some posts ago.

Thats the biased shit there mate :/
Every other noob would have got that punishment..
Punishment for what? Tickling OM? It's not like anything got deconned.
There it is, your quote.
Dinner Menu Tickles RC, you kill it, your fault, you need a ban.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:41 am
by Redman
Come on, stop being so fucking biased.

It's obvious that menu dinner took nearly all the health from the Reactor and there were aliens around.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:19 pm
by epicaldude
Redman wrote:Come on, stop being so fucking biased.

It's obvious that menu dinner took nearly all the health from the Reactor and there were aliens around.
Yes, more importantly: Menu Dinner was just 1.5 second away from killing RC and he was going at it (with no ckit he even didn't knew how much HP was left).

So if I would not kill him then RC would die next second.

Which action of "menu dinner" totally changed the game because
- it actually deconed RC
-A team was in 10 second distance from us (jump from base on cannon 11)
- in next minute we had 0 medi 0 arm 0 nodes
- it's totall mirracle that we did survive (because I had a saw so I didnt need ammo and guarded stairs up) and because No Password was there too.
Awesome game btw :)

Lancer, you are now officially a douche for saying what you did above, I tried best I could to rescued the RC, I saved the game later, I kicked deconer and make legitimate screenshots (not like "your's" fakes, and with proper /listplayers and all),
I come here to make sure his ban is extended, and you turn things around because you are a hater? Way to be objective, douche.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:32 pm
by Lancer
For the record, i did not post screenshots, and these screenshots show you are the deconner.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:38 pm
by Redman
You can't destroy your own base on purpose – ban.
In my opinion, he sawed the reactor accidentally.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:09 pm
by Spl@
Based on that screenshot, it's clear that menu dinner did most of the damage. Yes, I'd say deliberate teamkill of menu dinner; but, given that he was damaging the reactor, I'd say that that's fair. Consequent damage to the reactor can be explained as simply not releasing the fire button quickly enough: it does not take long at all for that number of 'reactor damaged' messages to be shown.

So kicking menu dinner for attempted decon would be right, even though technically Lancer's right in that menu dinner is not who actually destroyed it.

(There are some players who'll play properly for a while, not being a problem, then will decide that they're bored or that the game needs to be ended or something, and will then decon. menu dinner appears to be one of these.)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:43 pm
by epicaldude
Lancer wrote:and these screenshots show you are the deconner.
Nope, it shows that I killed someone who was murdering RC;
and shows that you are a douche that totally fails at reading simple game log :)

DEMO FILE: from ~5:00

People in base where building random that blocked our way out (boxes),
so called vote to deny build. Passed. It was for green flash, problem solved.

The boxes where still blocking way out, so I unblocked with saw.

Soon after, "menu dinner" attacked RC with saw.
It was AFIAK not GreenFlash raging but another player.
I killed him, and demo clearly shows I aimed away from RC, while killing the rc-deconer (but it seems RC got hit anyway).

I didn't killed deconer in time, but at leas I kickvoted + /listplayers + record + screen.

- I was defending RC
- menu dinner was deconing malliciously, also he disconnected right after this deconstruction. Please extend his ban if he got only 0:30.
- btw Funny that you put prove of your failure to read logs in your signature, ex-admin :)

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:17 pm
by Spl@
rapidgator is b0rked.

For me, it always returns “500 Invalid IP address: unknownâ€￾. Definitely breakage on their part, since my proxy (quite reasonably) inserts “X-Forwarded-For: unknownâ€￾ into the HTTP request…

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:22 pm
by Lancer
Ex-Admin was my own choice, you see why right now.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:35 pm
by Rotacak
Lancer: make your signature smaller, please.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:40 pm
by Spl@
Large images in postings here are causing width issues. This forum badly needs something like

Code: Select all

.postbody img { max-width: 500px; }

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:03 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
Spl@ wrote:Large images in postings here are causing width issues. This forum badly needs something like

Code: Select all

.postbody img { max-width: 500px; }
But we're all too lazy to add this lazy command.
Besides, it teaches good image skills, such as resizing. :P

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:09 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
Topic related:

RC damage was spill-over from killing menu. If Epical hadn't acted, Reactor would have been dead anyway.
^ And what Spl@ said. ^