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Epical - Level 5 - Donor - Abuse

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:26 pm
by TheMuffinMann
It seems like I need to hand in a report too.

In the past few weeks I have been receiving complaints and similar reports regarding epical.

Most of them complaining about his attitude, playstyle (binds!) and abuse of admin privileges.

So far his level 5 administrative level prevents him from being muted/kicked/denybuild thus making him invincible.

This means that he can spam however much he wants (and he surely does exploit that privilege a lot - EPICAL WIN IN PROGRESS! - see parallel thread!)

and I have come to wonder whether that PLAYSTYLE can be supported by this idea of a level 5 player.

So I propose this. Either demote epical, so as to make him not anymore immune. (let the people decide!) or simply don't make people able to buy immunity!

Either way, I start to wonder why I even bother trying to fix things here. Either people don't appreciate the work some of us put in or people always have something to complain about.

So, nonetheless, perhaps this topic should be considered too.

Re: Epical - Level 5 - Donor - Abuse

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:28 pm
by epicaldude
TheMuffinMann wrote: Either way, I start to wonder why I even bother trying to fix things here. Either people don't appreciate the work some of us put in or people always have something to complain about.
Your work is to stop deconers, team killers,
not to force your view on what words are "good" and what are "bad".

This is that simple :)

Can you do just that or not?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:34 pm
by TheMuffinMann
Rules for players

In short: play nice. That's all. We playing for fun.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can lucispam, pulsespam, blasterspam, tyrant maul spam…
You can camp or jetcamp.
You can trap an egg with turrets or teslas, or a telenode with acid or hives so long as there remains another untrapped spawn point.
You can kill your own team's spawns so long as there remains another untrapped spawn point.
You can speak in your own language if you like.
You can be a battle-granger, but you should expect to be team-killed often.
In other words - you can play freely.

You can't cheat – ban.
You can't destroy your own base on purpose – ban.
You can't teamkill on purpose (when teamkilled player does not agree with that) – ban.
You can't use bugs which will cause an imbalance or complete invulnerability of either team – ban.
You can't repeatedly abuse on purpose (swearing, vote or bind spam, blocking, teambleeding…) – ban. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You must not call a draw when one team is winning or there is still obvious game progress ‒ warn → kick → ban.
In other words - you can't be an idiot. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These are the rules.. I'll mark those that you are breaking.. with !!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:14 pm
by epicaldude
Well as you just said 15 minutes ago "present evidence" then I can reply in detail.

I'm of course not denying saying nigger, nigger, Im just saying it isn't part of game play and it was many times on forum just read old threads and find out what is Rota position on it - "do not care about racism/whatever remarks".

And this is a very smart position.

Your muting of people saying Nigger will
- help 0 people of black descents to avoid violent attacks e.g. by police
- mess up ~10 games with distributing teamchat
- create 5952 darama points, also know as niggermoment as linked to in another posts ;) and make us post shitz on forums like this thread here and there instead playing game.

Correct admin reaction to "bad language" is to do nothing.
And if FLOOD (real flood that makes game hard to play) - warn/mute etc.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:21 pm
by iain
epicaldude wrote:Well as you just said 15 minutes ago "present evidence" then I can reply in detail.

I'm of course not denying saying nigger, nigger, Im just saying it isn't part of game play and it was many times on forum just read old threads and find out what is Rota position on it - "do not care about racism/whatever remarks".

And this is a very smart position.

Your muting of people saying Nigger will
- help 0 people of black descents to avoid violent attacks e.g. by police
- mess up ~10 games with distributing teamchat
- create 5952 darama points, also know as niggermoment as linked to in another posts ;) and make us post shitz on forums like this thread here and there instead playing game.

Correct admin reaction to "bad language" is to do nothing.
And if FLOOD (real flood that makes game hard to play) - warn/mute etc.
Well... repeated use of "swearing" is cause for a ban.

Now, swearing == profanity and profanity==language considered to be offensive.

There is as of yet no internationally-recognised list of "language considered to be offensive" and there is no rcz-approved list of words that are offensive...

That is partially where admins come in -> To use our judgement in situations that are not specifically outlined imo.

So... to sum it up: Muffin can ban according to rules for profanity... It does occur to me that you are trying to make some epic stand over this?

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:21 am
by Nod_Nod_Nod
I still dunt knuw why you play with trolls.

Route 1*
Get case to Rotey - Provide evidence - ban the fella/degrade.

Route 2*
Other way is - Learn how to live with them - if they cross over the line - learn how to live with new line/poke them to get back to "trolley line"/get back to Route*

There are more routes but they are for hardcore admins which are trolls themselfs. Ofc Imma talking about


Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:04 am
by epicaldude
Nod_Nod_Nod wrote:Ofc Imma talking about

Personally I'm worrying about Splat, recently he can see movies like / and because they say Nigger he thinks THIS IS RACIST SHOW... lol :roll: I think me meant it.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:25 am
Ban him or remove the "mute/kick" immunity.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:13 am
by Rotacak
Personally I am tired, bored and annoyed of this "cause". Everytime when I reading forum or IRC, I see only "nigger, hitler, racism". What the hell have this to do with this game?

I do not care about these words, because it is stupid. But if I do not see anything else, it starting to pissing me off. When I see "nigger" on IRC, I do not reading it at all, it is still same, again and again.

So, I considering it like spam and asking epicaldude to stop spam everywhere with these bullshists, or any other bullshits.

If this bullshit-spam should be that our freedom, then I should reconsidered it. I want to read text on irc, forum and in game about gangers, tactics, camping etc. Not about niggers, hitlers etc.

TheMuffinMan likes it

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:42 am
by TheMuffinMann
Rotacak has spoken... :o

I am missing the like button somewhere. ^^

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:03 pm
by iain
TheMuffinMann wrote:Rota has spoken.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:37 pm
by epicaldude
Rotacak wrote:if I do not see anything else, it starting to pissing me off. When I see "nigger" on IRC, I do not reading it at all, it is still same, again and again.
Do not worry Rotacak, there will be other topics :)

Should had moved off-topic discussion to other IRC I guess, but to me it feels like I, Muffin and gareth did explained some problems to eachother,
like e.g. why I deconed containers (where conducting mara zap into base),
or how I often use forward eggs to win game (works best on ATCS and boxfield :) and why gareth was not sure that tactic was good.

Btw anyone that read past "the eeNNNN word" knows actually we talked too about problem/solutions to thoes.. 8)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:10 pm
by Spl@
Rotacak wrote:So, I considering it like spam and asking epicaldude to stop spam everywhere with these bullshists, or any other bullshits.