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Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:08 am
by Breakz
Should be able to comment on your own, or maybe not. Either who.
Recommended? Ghost no doubt. Yes he has been in term for a long time, that is true. He is a good player, that is true. What is also true is that just yesterday he was announcing that he will quit tremulous soon. Is it worth adding a new admin slot for someone who is about to leave anyways? Also as it is even apparent in his application, he is too loose with swearing, I admit I can write an occasional stfu jokingly when I get really mad, but that is nothing compared to his swearing. He is also often rude or unfriendly to others. I am sure breakz would be good at spotting aimbots, triggerbots and wallhacks and I am sure he can take action against a deconner or team killer but that is not all of it. If it comes to balancing teams (which as a good player he could) I am not sure if he would. In general this application seems like one where he doesn't even care about the outcome. I don't completely want to say no, but it neither is a strong yes. From dunno leaning towards a no for attitude, swearing and the fact that he is about to leave
Yes it was Ghost, but he isnt the first to suggest it.
As I've written in my apply, I've played trem on and off over the years, took breaks. And yes I am currently leaning towards taking another break for a while. And this Apply was something to see if I can put something back and give me more reason to stick around :)
I swear, bitch and moan... And if you ever paid attention, which i thought u would. I never swear, btich and moan against newbies or people who dont ask for it. Or give me one example where I bitched at people like DOREMII or others that barely speak, never flame and never seem to care about their e-penis. I even defend those people, where even when you're around, people call votekicks for noobs cause they don't know how to play, where i F2 and tell the voter to STFU. I do however against people like shitshitshit, lava, allah ackbar and such. Those who talk down on others, act pro and only seem to care about their own e-penis and not about the overal gameplay. I actually figured you would've noticed this lizard :) guess i was wrong.
And you start about balancing teams, I rarely see you balancing teams and with ur game example, a game before or after, I balanced several times, even prevented stacking cause it was only newbies on aliens team.
Also I almost always pick AUTO SELECT to pick my team. Unlike many of you, I aint spamming /team h or /team a to pick the team with the advantage on the map...
Yes sometimes I do, but thats usually after playing several games on Aliens, because many spam /team h on most maps. I'm one of the few that balances games, there's only 2 others that balance teams more often then I do, and that are Weed and Lava.
Thank you for sharing your extensive scoring stats with us. I'm sure we all wondered where you fell in the overall ranking for each game.

Or, not.

Plenty of rule breaking? But no upload.
Want to become admin? But no desire to follow through when someone does something wrong. (People are cats)

Yes, no, maybe so?
Such answers full of cheek!
For the time
I'll vote Dunno
And look again next week
Don't care for score, just wanted to point out that I am not using cheats.
And I've played for 7-8 years, yes I've seen plenty of rulebreaking, havent you?
And No I'm not asking for senior admin, so it wont be my duty to take care of misbehavior hours, days or weeks after it has occured. Only for those that happen on the spot and if needed pass it on to higher ups. So I dont see why this argument is used against me.
I have to say he rage a lot in gameplays.

For example: I played yesterday on Kaiji in Aliens Team. He started to say this is a bullshit map and whatever. Well, I moved base on top of hotel. Humans got S2 and he started to rage more. Then he started to press that red buttons to open windows as humans can come and destroy our base. I warned him and he didn't stop. Then I warned him with kick and he left to spec.

Also I seen him rage today too because he had a sux team.

I don't have any problem with rage. Everyone get angry sometimes. But from problems like this you can abuse commands to kick players, cancel map votes etc.
Game was already lost for aliens the moment humans took base below A def. You didnt defend, ams agreed with me that the game was already lost. I only sped it up. You might like long drags of 2hour games where no progress is made on each side, but most people don't. You know hotel map gives this result, rants occupy the inside, jets occupy the outside... It will end in a draw vote, or just 2-3 people left on either team and you know it. Hotel is a bullshit map and everyone knows it, the only 2 people that seem to enjoy the map are you and shitshitshit.
Its funny you warn with kick for gameplay ruining players, while the gameplay was already ruined.
I abuse? Have you ever (or any of you) seen me call a unjust vote? Don't think so, even had an argument with lizard about this not to long ago.
haha also, learn your own rules, your an admin, yet you dont know em? it isnt illegal to feed, it isnt illegal to press a button either. If you start kicking people because they ruin the gameplay for others.... in the end you'll be playing alone mate.

Either way, you all seem to feel better then me cause i rage.
Does any of you tell newbies to buy armor? You know, yesterday megamedic/lizard where online, i think ghost too. There where 2-3 players that ran around with a luci and jetpack, no armor. Who tells them to buy armor? Not any of u, no its a regular like me.
Again, has any of you ever seen me swear or anything against newbies or people who don't ask for it? Or is it generally against ppl like lava, shitshitshit and such? Only sometimes i rage against a newbie cause of several teamkills, bleeds or blocking me to death. Everyone does that, so do all of you.
From all of you, who often picks the team thats bound to lose... wait, rarely none. Most of you pick a team thats winning or has the mapadvantage. I've paid attention, unlike you it seems. I'm sure few of you use AUTO SELECT to pick a team, where I do, yet i get picked on for not balancing :)

Either who, I expected more, I know I shouldnt, but i did :)
I've played long enough to think that you guys would notice it that I only rage against a team in general, or against people who ask for it. That I constantly try to help newbies, even when admins are online, by explaining the game in teamchat or global chats. Where I very, very rarely see any of you do it. And I'm one of the few that doesnt call useless votes. Besides perhaps the occasional drawvote just to speed up end of the game.
Either who, I was looking for a new impulse to be more active, give something back as I have been playing tremulous for years and funserver/unlimited have been my server of choice for most of the time on the last couple of years. The game in general gets boring, 9 out of 10 times its the same spam, camp and/or feedfests, yes this is frustrating, not only to me, but to many that play. Newbies are not given any help or guidance, and I regulary see them getting votekicked away for stupid things, even when admins are online. Regulars play less except a small core group of players, most left, are rarely online, or quit after 10mins of playing finding out it is indeed the same spam, camp and/or feedfestifities.
The game is dying, and I wanted to help out keeping it alive. But ah well...

I had to reply, it somehow was stuck in my mind :) So here it is, don't really care if i get admin anymore :) keep it, give it to people like epicaldude...hahaha

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:53 am
by imp
Umm ok.. No offense Breakz because u r even good player and stuff but I have to admit that its not pleasure to play with you sometimes.
The truth is, u need to chill out man. U rage alot and its hard to say u r doing it for a reason.
I dont wanna play this examples game here but I've experienced it few times.
I personally dont have anything against u (besides rage) but as far as i know u have many enemies and that's also not good for an admin i guess.
Also you r not active on forum with is welcomed for an admin.

Unfortunately its NO for me.
Hope u wont feel offended, still want to see u in Trem :)

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:48 am
by TheMuffinMann
He may not appear to be the nicest, but I guess he can somewhat change that. He needn't be a DragonHeart, but he can at least improve.

I have commented on his admin application and I will see how this proceeds...

For further enquiries, I shall answer in about 8 hours.

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:19 pm
by Fang152
Colourful use of your language. I can't get onto my account to comment on your application, but I'll say this for now.

As I've already stated, I won't be on Tremulous for at least another month and a half, so I can't judge you on your current behavior/attitude. This means that I will have to judge based on either the other admin's decisions and comments, or my own memory of you. Since I know that all the admins have their own personal opinions, I would prefer not to refer to them.

What I remember of you isn't much to celebrate about; Rude, arrogant and often annoying. Also, being one of the top players, you seemed to think that you somehow knew better.

However, be that as it may, I remember you being honest and fair to some players if they made a mistake, whilst others were insulting them, on more than one occasion. If you could show more of that and less of the bad points, I'd say you make a fine admin.

So I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt - Good luck! :)

F1 in a Cherry pie!

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 10:15 am
by Weed
I would give him try, due the problems, he can improve and he have a lot of experience.


Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 5:01 pm
by TheMuffinMann
It is a no from me... Been badly disappointed today :/

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 5:47 pm
by iain
TheMuffinMann wrote:It is a no from me... Been badly disappointed today :/
Ooooh, gossip? Share the juicy details darling!

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 10:43 pm
by Fang152
Change of opinion. You've been way too flippant. You knew there was an admin there and instead of acting good you argued against him, consistently annoying him. Sorry but that was a great dissapointment.

Better luck next time!


Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 8:44 am
by imp
I know i am not admin so nobody rly cares about my vote here but as i said in 1st post i guessed that admin should be less raging and more polite :| .
This server have enough of those "regular" players that r often flaming and throwing shit to each other witch sometimes makes playing on RCZ far from pleasant, so at least admins surroundings should be kept clear :)

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 9:41 am
by iain

Maybe post your new opinions in the actual admin app page?

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 9:16 pm
by Fang152

:@ i can't get on xD :@