Ideas for improvemens, UBP balance, and other extensions

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Re: Ideas for improvemens, UBP balance, and other extensions

#16 Post by epicaldude » Sat May 26, 2012 7:54 pm

Scare will be almost never used, and if it happens 1 per 100 games, the player will be unfamiliar and will thin that was a bug or shit.

The flying as you described it should annoying.

Flying should be cool experience
1) flying mara - 3 evo
- mara speed
- 210 hp
- zap but x2 lower damage

2) flying basi - 2 evo
- basi speed
- 200 hp
- drops bombs (6 charges, regenerate x3 faster then goon snipe, but x3 less damage; confuses like basi gass but x2 shorter time)

The HP is higher before in air they might be easier to shoot when overflying humans. But depends on speed too.

limit humans jetpack flight time: 15 second fly, 10 second regenerate.
make teslas NOT perfect-hit, but 80% chance
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Re: Ideas for improvemens, UBP balance, and other extensions

#17 Post by Forty-Two » Thu May 31, 2012 9:07 pm

nalf wrote: A flying unit. I'm sure this has been discussed many times before. My idea is: Small, low HP, very fast, controlled like an airplane, causing damage by hitting a target. On the ground the unit would move quite slowly and only very small jumps (something like a granger). To get into air it would have to charge, when the charge is full, it would take off. While in air, the unit would have a constant speed (not able to slow down - like an airplane). Hitting a wall would cause it to fall and need to charge to take off again. I think this would make it limited enough not to be abused, would be ideal for attacking jets in large areas, and would add something novel to the game.
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