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Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:13 am
by Loki
Here's no LIKE button, HAHA. Ye Quake 3 is old engine but still in-use. It has lot of bugs, for example sometimes when you shoot dretch, the projectile will go through him. It's bug in that retarded hitbox D:
I had web with showing hitboxes when player jumped, crouched, etc. The hitbox is out of the model.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:38 pm
by Redman
Loki wrote:Here's no LIKE button, HAHA. Ye Quake 3 is old engine but still in-use. It has lot of bugs, for example sometimes when you shoot dretch, the projectile will go through him. It's bug in that retarded hitbox D:
I had web with showing hitboxes when player jumped, crouched, etc. The hitbox is out of the model.
ioquake3 is propably the least bugged engine I've ever seen. Projectile not hitting a dretch was caused propably by the unlagged or your shitty aim. All bugs related to buildables on movers / rotators and stacked buildables are results of Rotacak's crappy coding.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:48 pm
by Loki
Redman wrote:
Loki wrote:Here's no LIKE button, HAHA. Ye Quake 3 is old engine but still in-use. It has lot of bugs, for example sometimes when you shoot dretch, the projectile will go through him. It's bug in that retarded hitbox D:
I had web with showing hitboxes when player jumped, crouched, etc. The hitbox is out of the model.
ioquake3 is propably the least bugged engine I've ever seen. Projectile not hitting a dretch was caused propably by the unlagged or your shitty aim. All bugs related to buildables on movers / rotators and stacked buildables are results of Rotacak's crappy coding.
Baaaah the pollack has arrived. Redman, I aim good, sometimes I can't because my usb port doesnt work as it should. I saw the same problem in quake live and it was due to that hitbox. Its position isnt so as it should be

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:53 pm
by Rotacak
Loki: probably because hitbox is only one, square (6 polygons) and model is complex with animations (thousand polygons?). That is reason why sometime can be part of model outside of hitbox. And guess what - it is not a bug.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:37 pm
Redman wrote:Projectile not hitting a dretch was caused propably by the unlagged or your shitty aim.

Probably the combination of both. Besides hitboxes being different shape than the models they also lag behind the model itself.

All bugs related to buildables on movers / rotators and stacked buildables are results of Rotacak's crappy coding.

So take his code and fix the bugs.

Rotacak wrote:Loki: probably because hitbox is only one, square (6 polygons) and model is complex with animations (thousand polygons?). That is reason why sometime can be part of model outside of hitbox. And guess what - it is not a bug.
Its a not a bug its a FEATURE :D

As for the hitboxes boxes being, well - boxes. Its actually easier to hit a box than a complex model.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:59 pm
by Loki
Haha nice feature :D
Or maybe hitbox is slower than mdl.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:02 pm
by Rotacak wrote:
Redman wrote:
All bugs related to buildables on movers / rotators and stacked buildables are results of Rotacak's crappy coding.
So take his code and fix the bugs.
He rather code some cheats, spam functions etc.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:38 pm
by Redman
So take his code and fix the bugs.
He doesn't want to release his (GPL) code.
He rather code some cheats, spam functions etc.
I agree. Nothing floods chats and cheats more than finding character in a string or calculating 2+2*2.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:48 pm
by Quarko
Redman wrote: I agree. Nothing floods chats and cheats more than finding character in a string or calculating 2+2*2.