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OM / RC limitation

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 3:19 pm
by Rotacak
We can build unlimited RC / OM on funserver.

Good thing is:
- you can build big "baricades" in SD. Sometime it is only way how to survive.
- your base is more safe with more RC / OM.
- you not need to camp in base near naked RC / OM, because you can build rc in better place.
- you can attack enemy base better, because probably will not be full of camping players near only one RC / OM.
- you can earn evo / creds from many lone RC /OM.
- you can build crazy things from OM /RC

Bad things is:
- attacking RC / OM is useless, because team have probably more RC / OM, so you will not cause them problem (aliens can't evolve, humans have useless buildables)
- even if your team winning and you have enough credits from many RC / OM, you cannot win because in oposite team is one crazy RC / OM builder + few defenders.
- you never see message from teammate "RC / OM is down, rush!"
- atmosphere loss

So, what do you think? It is good or bad? I trying to figure out something how to allow unlimited RC / OM but how to limit them too.

My idea:
If I will limit RC / OM after SD to only one, then it looks ok, but deconners can again ruin game, because you can decon RC / OM in SD (if there is more RC / OM than one).
And if I will deny deconning RC / OM in SD again, then it can work. But still some deconner can build RC / OM in bad place in time 29:59. And if you have more RC than one and that in base is destroyed, you cannot rebuild new, because somewhere else is another RC and with this limitation you can rebuild RC only when there is no RC :-(

Anyway this will cause that you will never meet human builder in SD (in rotcannon for example) while he building RC tower = easy evos for aliens = better action.

What do you think? Its unlimited RC / OM good or bad?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 3:42 pm
by Redman
Unlimited RC/OMs sucks! Make limit for building OM/RCs (for example: up to 5 OM/RCs allowed).

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:10 pm
by CrackD0wn
5 OMS/RC is optimum number

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:15 pm
by Redman
(Look: Build Points Idea if you didn't see it)

At start team will be able to build 2 OM/RCs, Rota's transformers can give more OM/RCs, but not to infinity. Only up to 5 or 10.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:55 pm
by Quarko
Nah, transformers should have nothing to do with RC count.

I think there are 2 wayouts:
1) Limit the number of RC's to 2 or 5 (i prefer 2, primary and failsafe secondary).
2) Each next RC builds longer. First RC = 20 secs, Second = 40 secs, third = 60 secs, etc... But this way is not optimal because team can start killing builders to make RC's faster...

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:28 pm
by Rotacak
But limit only to 5 RC cause only that players will not spam RC. This will solve only one "bad thing" - you cannot spam base with OM/RC in SD.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:20 pm
by Redman
Maybe limit only on SD?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:27 pm
by CrackD0wn
wen its sd

u can only build 5 rc

today i was alone in alien team as rant in s vs 3 humans

1 humans spammed rc everywhere blocking ma escape

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 3:23 pm
by Undead
i think we shouldn't limit RC/OM, but make spam useless, like: making RC/OM easier to kill and making RC/OM to cause less damage.

But if we enable the fun buildings spam too, the guys would stop spaming RC/OM, look this: