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Fun Buildings Limitation

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:53 pm
by Undead
What do you think about unlimited fun buildings (grass, bridges, planks and other new buildings added by Rotacak)?
With unlimited fun buildings people would stop spaming RC and they would spam fun buildings, that wouldn't cause as much lag as RC/OM spam.

PS: With the exception of BUSHES

And what do you think about adding a NEW BUILDING CALLED WALL xD.

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:29 pm
by Quarko
that wouldn't cause as much lag as RC/OM spam
Hmm? Please provide your source of that information :)

Grass is 7 polygons. RC is about 100 polygons. So 10 grasses gives as much lag as 1 RC.
But 1 RC occupies space enough for 3000 grasses (10*10*30). So it is much more FPS optimal :)

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:48 pm
by Undead
The deafault Tremulous buildings are very laggy if spamed, and that's because they are made with a lot of tris (triagles) that give them a average modelation.

But the new "CZ Fun Server" buildings have just a few detail, with the exception of flower and bush. These new buildings causes less lag if compared with the deafault Trem buidings.

I think grass is just 1 poligon
And the RC is ANIMATED


Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:06 pm
by Quarko
Grass has 7 polygons. 1 for grass texture, and 6 for small cube at bottom :) . And well, I'm lazy to count polygons at RC :)

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:51 am
by Undead
but, do you agree with unlimited fun buildings?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:26 am
by Quarko

Even now it is impossible to play normally when half of your teams starts building bricks and flowers while enemy team is going on with tactical warfare. At least that madness ends when there is no more BP.

With your idea - it will become a builder simulator, not the bloodbath that Tremulous originally is.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:46 pm
by Undead
It will become a fun building simuation,xD
but what do you think just about grass, bamboos, Bridges, planks and pillars?

people would start spaming then just in SD, or when there is no more BP.
They dont lag much and they are easy to kill[/b]

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:00 pm
by Rotacak
New building: wall. It is not possible due to engine limitation :-( Something like wall is Container. But it must looks like box, because thin wall is impossible to make.

All buildables have invisible bbox - collision box around. But that box cannot be rotated, its still in same angle. And buildables can be rotated.
If you make something not square (from top view), it will cause collision problems - players can walk trough that wall, or players will be blocked by invisible "nothing".

Even now you can see some of these collision problems. Build armoury in ATCS on some slope. Armoury will follow ground, but bbox no. You can crouch and walk under armoury. It will looks like you are inside armoury.
Or you can build bamboo on slope and try to wallwalk on it. You will see that your wallwalking not correspond to bamboo.

About buildables limit: I was made new buildables simple, because of lag. But it seems like it does not have big difference. Maybe just too many entities = low fps, regardless on their complexity.
Don't know is is good to allow build it after SD. It can cause undestroyable bases, mainly human base.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:25 am
by Quarko
I have other idea. Is it possible to implement some /callvote extend_sd ?
That will prolong sd other 10-30 minutes.

It would be useful in fungames, where both teams are building something huge, but because of lack of time never finish it.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:28 pm
by Rotacak
Yes, vote for sd extend is possible, I will make it.