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build game, crazy game?

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:10 pm
by sindarus
many time we do build game (callvote passed) but when only one player don't want do: he kill all and it make stupid situation
all say 'don't attak / kick him'... etc
and answer: 'it are'nt rules for build game you can't kick me / fu' ...etc
and many time it's the crazy house: some player build, other fight, other teamkill, other evol in rants and follow dretchs to hit him again and again... (very funny)... etc
and all this, of course, with an impossible lag...

can we do anything against that?
-create rules to kick other peoples ?

or we can say we 'll never do buildgame

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:45 pm
by Wavesynck
Umm...what's a buildgame?

Re: build game, crazy game?

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:17 pm
by pmd
sindarus wrote: and many time it's the crazy house: some player build, other fight, other teamkill, other evol in rants and follow dretchs to hit him again and again... (very funny)... etc
where that music from benni hill show?

i think if big part of players will be agreed for create rules for buildgame.
but admin word is law,and if admins agreed, rules will be created(and may be created mods for buildgame)

Umm...what's a buildgame?
build until bp's end(or becomes sd), attack only for s2, and s3. and mix of aliens and humans buildings.
example of buildgame

Re: build game, crazy game?

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 8:37 pm
by Wavesynck
pmd wrote: where that music from benni hill show?
Paint 7.
pmd wrote: build until bp's end(or becomes sd), attack only for s2, and s3. and mix of aliens and humans buildings.
Understood. Sounds neat. :D

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:35 pm
by sindarus
some players don't play a real build game so i'll write rules in buildgame

a build game begin with a vote poll: '/callvote poll buildgame?' : when poll passed, buildgame start: humans feed alien and alien feed humans until H and A are S3

-don't attack any buildable or any player
-don't build teslas, rets / acids tube, hive, trapper *
-don't block any player to build
-don't unbuild other players buildable without reason**

-when all lag, you can decon a buildable wich no one care about (example: a brick alone)
-you can build where you want!
-you can build around a player to block him

if a player don't respect these rules, try to kick him even if these rules are'nt official. Or try to persuad him to respect rules

NB: i guess these rules wont never be official rules but try to respect them: for the 'health' of the serveur !!!

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 7:13 am
by Quarko
Are you sure you have enough authority to make up the rules?

Here is Rotacak's quote about buildgames:
Buildgames depends on whole team. If someone start killing oposite team, then it is ok, because that is goal in this game. You can only ask him for no attack. But if he not agree, then you can do nothing - maybe kill him

I was thinking about "/callvote peace". That ahould make friendly game for 10 minutes and nobody can hurt anybody.

But it was disadvantages:
- someone will connect because he want to play = kill. But he cant, he can only wandering around and wait until peace is over = he will disconnect.

- you can build in peace mode everywhere = you can build human turrets in alien base and vice versa.

So - probably only solution is to build when server is empty...

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 7:28 am
by Wavesynck
I have a good idea.
If /callvote peace succeeds there is benny hill music and vibrations for 10 mins like in paint7.That will scare everyone of the server and - voila - you have an empty server to to a buildgame. xD

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:44 am
by pmd
Wavesynck wrote:I have a good idea.
If /callvote peace succeeds there is benny hill music and vibrations for 10 mins like in paint7.That will scare everyone of the server and - voila - you have an empty server to to a buildgame. xD
/callvote lulz

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:29 am
by sindarus
Quarko: ok so, to do a buildgame, it's all or none

just: can we do anythink to not be kicked with reason 'attack' ? i guess nothing caus on a vote, majority win even if it's against official rules (no those i wrote, the one those wrote rotacak)

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:10 pm
by Swizaw
Guys Unlimited is to build...If they dont like the "callvote peace"their problem...this is unlimited BP

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:03 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
Sindarus do something about that vote pool becouse i didnt understand a shit.... Was looking at it like 5 minutes and then it was POOF... I UNDERSTAND!

change it to:
The build games. You want it?

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:14 am
by Quarko
you just not are the understanding new cool english language xD

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:45 am
by ramos
buildgame can ruin alot it will drag all the campers and noobs and it will push away truly skiled adrenalin players i cannot understand why you want buildgames cause you can build the same time other players atack you cannnot satisfy 1 side its both or nothing , so sindarius unlimited is to build yes but this is fun server that means fun fun fun

Say no to simcity lovers , campain recomanded by Ramos

PS: maestr0 whats with the moon your a wearewolf or somting ? :)))

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:37 am
by Quarko
Nah, just like that picture xD

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:52 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod

Im NoderWolf!

Build game is nice from time to time... You cant always PWN others...