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Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:36 pm
by ==Troy==
Just tried to meet up and do some teamworking on metro, and the results were very promising.

Me, IceGhost and LarZa managed to get a goon as a naked rifles, and a Tyrant was simply a toast as a triple 2Xshotty + lasgun. (LarZa's shotty is piece of crap).

What we should really do is try to teamwork more guys. Meet up at the human base and try to follow each other, supporting and helping each other. It pays of very quickly in a lot of sucsessful base attacks and overall effeciensy of the team.


At this moment the server is just a bunch of "running around" noobs, or skilled freelancers.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:46 pm
by Castyo
I agree, and i add: we need teamspeak server.
With TS we can:
-Learn english better
-Know other boy better
-More teamwork
-More fun

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:50 pm
by Union
Teamwork is the best way to win especially as Human (any stage) vs Alien Stage 3. Rants are better off attacking in single waves, but a team of 2-3 skilled humans even with just Light Armor and minimal weapons can hunt down and kill aliens.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:12 am
by Union
I shall where a new tag on my name. CP! Cooperative Player. Which signifies I want to team play :P If anyone wants to join go ahead, it's only for fun and we can try to organize some team play like Troy mentioned :D

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:29 pm
by kaotaja
I have had good teamwork with you and soul too...

Re: Teamwork.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 10:30 pm
by LarzA(FIN)
==Troy== wrote:Just tried to meet up and do some teamworking on metro, and the results were very promising.

Me, IceGhost and LarZa managed to get a goon as a naked rifles, and a Tyrant was simply a toast as a triple 2Xshotty + lasgun. (LarZa's shotty is piece of crap).

What we should really do is try to teamwork more guys. Meet up at the human base and try to follow each other, supporting and helping each other. It pays of very quickly in a lot of sucsessful base attacks and overall effeciensy of the team.


At this moment the server is just a bunch of "running around" noobs, or skilled freelancers.
:oops: my shotty and massdriver aren`t very good :? But i must practise more. I recognized too that teamwork was very good tactic. It was so nice to kill tyrant so easy :mrgreen: More teamplaying games will be fun

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:15 pm
by HellreapeR
Teamwork is the best you can have as human.
2 BS's with chainguns = Easier to kill aliens. (aka: Tyrant)
1 BS with chaingun = Easy to kill goon but not Tyrant. (only with luck, :P)

Besides, following a fleeing goon with a chaingun is my favorite type of playing. 8)

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:29 pm
by ==Troy==
2 BSs - easy toast for tyrant.

They are too bulky. Having 2 shotties or even 3 will do a much better job without risking 800 cred ) (290 cred per helarmed shotty)

Lol, today I felt like every tyrant had an aimbot :D Either people are finally getting better, or I was just too tired to dodge them :)

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 5:28 pm
by HellreapeR
Tyrants are hard to avoid, their have the size of an elephant. >_>
They will overrun you with their legs and 2 claws. lawl.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 5:50 pm
by Union
2 shotties and a lasgun, different weapon types combine for best results in my book. Lasgun can finish rant as it runs.