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lvl7 admin Mufifn cancels votes and mutes

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:49 pm
by epicaldude
This happened before as well (cancel vote), and today:

there was a poll vote, it was canceled.
it was not duplicated vote. No reason to cancel it.

Also I was muted by Muffin because he was not agreeing with what I was saying.
- I said he should not cancel poll votes, only unfair draw votes and maybe duplicated votes
- Muffin said he should not listen to me on this subject
- I wanted to reply that "I do not agree because YOU said it" is stupid,
ad hominem is stupid ("even if Hitler says 2+2=4, he is still correct")

but I was muted in half "but you do listen to Hitler / on subject on say medicine, only the fact that Hitler says something doesn’t mean it is not true"

So Lets make muffin not cancel votes and mute without good reason.

Since this is 3rd time muffin does mute people whom he doesn't agree with and cancels vote without reason

I propose to demote him a level if he doesn't want to change this behavior that abuses admin commands a bit (!cancelvote) and more importantly disrupts game play (mute)

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:58 pm
by TheMuffinMann
Okay, to say the following..

You seem to be trying to show yourself in a better light than you are and myself in a worse light than I am to be shown.

On one hand, there is neither harm, nor good being done by cancelling polls.
So this is just measures taken during useless times. Besides this, your poll, being utterly useless, does not deserve to be presented to other people due to it disrupting others. Just as ampul suggested, a mute would have done.

Your choice of an example has offended me and I have warned you afterwards that I will ban you for three days if you dare offend me with any sort of historical innuendo or whatsoever.

Due to you being known as a troll and similar and you trying to become an admin I'll have to be more strict on you, so that you might perhaps learn that being anh admin does not mean that you know the rules by heart, but that you actually are a human being knowing when to apply the rules and when not to.

So, on my behalf, utterly useless report.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:02 pm
by epicaldude
TheMuffinMann wrote:Okay, to say the following..

You seem to be trying to show yourself in a better light than you are and myself in a worse light than I am to be shown.

On one hand, there is neither harm, nor good being done by cancelling polls.
So this is just measures taken during useless times. Besides this, your poll, being utterly useless, does not deserve to be presented to other people due to it disrupting others. Just as ampul suggested, a mute would have done.

Your choice of an example has offended me and I have warned you afterwards that I will ban you for three days if you dare offend me with any sort of historical innuendo or whatsoever.

Due to you being known as a troll and similar and you trying to become an admin I'll have to be more strict on you, so that you might perhaps learn that being anh admin does not mean that you know the rules by heart, but that you actually are a human being knowing when to apply the rules and when not to.

So, on my behalf, utterly useless report.
oh my god are you again ragin about the hitler thing? like the last time Yalt and Invisible joked you are nazi?

Lol even *I* was not thinking about that.... you are so over sensitive.
Get over your stupid "omg dont call me a nazi" nazi attitude finally, I was simply saying the common "even Hitler sometime was right, so do not say 'it must be incorrect since YOU said it' argument"

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:14 pm
[quote=""EpicTroll"]I propose to demote him a level[/quote]On the other hand I propose you STFU. In your case having your mouth shut might get you a promotion sooner. Reasonably close to the time when "hell freezes over", I hope.

if he doesn't want to change this behavior
If something works keep it. Muffin has been a senior admin since the Big Bang without an incident, so really STFU.

abuses admin commands a bit
He doesn't.

Well boo hoo, he canceled your vote. Big fucking deal.

disrupts game play (mute)
He disrupts your trolling.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:22 pm
by TheMuffinMann
Now grmg... This topic is settled, no need for you to add your... Two cents

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:48 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
Muffin had few accidents :D

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:29 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
TheMuffinMann wrote:So, on my behalf, utterly useless report.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:14 am
by MegaMedic
Lol look at the title, he wrote "Mufifn" xD

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:09 pm
by Lancer
MegaMedic wrote:Lol look at the title, he wrote "Mufifn" xD
Good find, now let's shove it up epicals ass, that he is imperfect and blabla

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:40 am
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
MegaMedic wrote:Lol look at the title, he wrote "Mufifn" xD
Nah. Just say it out loud very fast and think of a cow getting hit by an arrow.