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Upon request: Should Epical be demoted?

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:33 pm
by TheMuffinMann
As we have already experienced in past discussions and parallel threads there have been quite some issues regarding epical.

After several debates on IRC, Ingame and Forums we've come to the conclusion to include you, the players, into this discussion.

The poll will be going until Valentinesday and upon decision it would be nice to see some PROPER arguing and no trolling on this topic.

So please refrain from troll posts (even though I'll be luring those in right now) and be nice to each other...

Most of us have grown tired and weary of this issue...

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:35 pm
by Lanac
Demoted, unless he stops using stupid binds and stops being a jerk in-game. Even though he caused alot of trouble, I think giving him a second chance would be reasonable, but if he starts to be a jerk again, then demote.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:20 pm
F1 ofc.

1. Trolling ingame, just look for threads started by him or about him.

2. Chatspam ingame, with binds.

3. Trolling on T2 forum and the all-present "nigga bullshit" (1 month old forum :) ) (Linux Support)

"This is the point you are missing, nigga"
"Nigger, please. Really"
"Irrelevant to the topic, my nigga."

4. The ONLY one here that has constant problems with most admins (Threads):

5. Trolls Rcz all time with his half-relevant-half-baiting replies.

6. "Nigga-fascist-hilter" bullshit in most of topics that he replies to. And ofc this bullshit too:
All niggea-thread.
Another nigga- thread.

7. Got level 5 by donating (so he cannot be muted or kicked by regular players), while simultaneously trolling, spamming, insulting, fucking with other players and admins.

8. Val sums it up nicely:
val wrote:Once more, Epicaldude looks for trouble and then complains just after reaching his aim..
Epicaldude, open your eyes, everyone hates you. That's a fact.
If your only aim is to get admins demoted (thats why you report them) then don't start bothering them. You just feel bitter after getting muted, thats why you go for a report. That's bad, you deserve these mutes. As I said lately, I think you should get a new look at yourself, really, because either you have a mental disorder or you're more stupid than any other human being.
val wrote:Epical shouldn't even play on the server anymore.. Check the report sections, either they are about epicaldude's constant trolling by other players, or they deal with "admin abuses" by epicaldude..

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:19 am
by epicaldude
You are my number one hater bro 8) wrote: 1. Trolling ingame, just look for threads started by him or about him.
lol. Trolling is ok and anyway part of threads are me reporting REAL trouble makers like deconers. wrote: 2. Chatspam ingame, with binds.
Team chat RUSH is ok.
Don't exaggerate about my supposedly flooding spam or post recent screenshot. wrote: 3. Trolling on T2 forum
"Nigger, please. Really"
It's not T2 here, Mexican. wrote: 4. The ONLY one here that has constant problems with most admins (Threads):
Not with admins that know when not to overuse commands 8) wrote: 5. Trolls Rcz all time with his half-relevant-half-baiting replies.
6. "Nigga-fascist-hilter" bullshit in most of topics that he replies to.
Forum is not game.
On forum we do not have lvl6s or anything.
And it was in offtopic section. wrote: 7. Got level 5 by donating (so he cannot be muted or kicked by regular
Oh no shame on me. wrote: 8. Val sums it up nicely:
val wrote:Once more, Epicaldude looks for trouble and then complains Epicaldude, open your eyes, everyone hates you. That's a fact.
Including people that today where "protesting" and called unmute x2 on me after iain muted me for saying lol splaaashhhh x3 on intermission?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:52 am
by yalt.
I agree with most stuff here. My vote is about his behavior and not about the individual "EpicDude". Don't take it personal/personally Epic.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 2:19 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
And now Epical just crossed the line. Though it wouldnt happen ahahah :D. As I said somewhere - thanks for training our admins, they wont be licking your toes anymore ;D

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 2:50 pm
by mystache
The problem with Epical Dude is that he paid money to Rotacak and now thinks this money grants him a special position. Demoting him will send a clear message to any other (potential) sponsors that you cannot buy yourself a special position as the server's resident racist/bigot/troll/poll spammer/random egg spamer/you name it.

The fact that Epical Dude takes the criticism on his behaviour so personal is another good reason for him to be demoted. People like this should hold no admin rights.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 5:36 pm
by Lancer
mystache wrote:The problem with Epical Dude is that he paid money to Rotacak and now thinks this money grants him a special position. Demoting him will send a clear message to any other (potential) sponsors that you cannot buy yourself a special position as the server's resident racist/bigot/troll/poll spammer/random egg spamer/you name it.

The fact that Epical Dude takes the criticism on his behaviour so personal is another good reason for him to be demoted. People like this should hold no admin rights.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 5:51 pm
by epicaldude
mystache wrote:The problem with Epical Dude is that he paid money to Rotacak and now thinks this money grants him a special position.
Of course not, everyone deserves to not be attacked by hater-admins :)

I posted for other people too, when yalt was muted, when radman was, and all the other times.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:10 pm
by mystache
It seems that either Epical Dude does not understand this thread, or he is just trying to get demoted, since at this moment he is doing exactly the same bullshit that quite a few people have complained about already. Especially the racist remarks have to come to and end.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:09 am
by Spl@
“afroamerican, hush“
“dont make me report you to immigratiuonâ€￾ (sic)

Target this time was ‘Bzz.’ (Lava Croft).

This in the game started at 2013-02-09 23:53:19 GMT (rotcannon_b11).

Just another example of blatant racism.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:16 am
by Redman
Here's my quote collection (from Feb 9,10):

Code: Select all

23:21:15: [^1A^7] * ^6{Epic}^5Duuuuuude^1!^3!^2!^7 ^2is watching Arcturant's sis opening her ^6window ^7on redtube

23:27:03: [^1A^7] ^6{Epic}^5Duuuuuude^1!^3!^2!^7: ^2you need to learn not be hater fagadmin :P

23:30:22: [^7S^7] ^6{Epic}^5Duuuuuude^1!^3!^2!^7: ^2invisibly Im still bussy with urson, brb

01:05:20: [^1A^7] ^6{Epic}^5Duuuuuude^1!^3!^2!^7: ^2and now I get -50 discount from urmom
01:05:28: [^1A^7] ^6{Epic}^5Duuuuuude^1!^3!^2!^7: ^2on all the home made coookies :)
01:05:38: [^1A^7] ^6{Epic}^5Duuuuuude^1!^3!^2!^7: ^2and other services :P

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:30 am
by Spl@
Yes. Saw them too, and he's very recently made more comments about admin here… stuff this, ban. And there'll be longer ones if he persists.

Epicfail – if we're haters, it's because of your attitude. You're now reaping what you've sowed.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:02 am
by epicaldude

Is this kindergarten?
You want to read "do not insult others" rule directly?

This is stupid.

Ok in such a base let's look how ADMIN(?) (was it Spl@ , right?) behaves:

14 ^7S^7 0 ^2 ^7 ^4Unknown Player^7 ^1 ^7 She's Crafty^7
74 ^314 62.x.x.x '^7She's Crafty^3'*

[^7S^7] She's Crafty^7: ^2attention whore!!!!!!!!
[^7S^7] She's Crafty^7: ^2black please

[^7S^7] She's Crafty^7: ^2i know enough negros that piss on those dumbos
[^7S^7] She's Crafty^7: ^2as a side note
[^7S^7] She's Crafty^7: ^2negro has no racist meaning, dumbo

[^7S^7] She's Crafty^7: ^2Epic Dude just has absolutely no fucking clue

She's Crafty^7 renamed to Bzz^6

[^1A^7] (Bzz^6.^7) (^7Alien Default Base^7^7): ^5shut the fuck up epical failure

[^7S^7] Bzz^6.^7: ^2epical dude is just a young boy troubled with the insecurities brought on by puberty

]Bzz was Spl right?
11 ^7S^7 0 ^2 ^7 ^4Unknown Player^7 ^1 ^7 Bzzz^1?^7
76 ^311 178.x.x.x '^7scary pumpkins look at trivia^3' '^7large boots^3' '^7Bzzz^1?^3'*

17 ^7S^7 0 ^2 ^7 ^4Unknown Player^7 ^1 ^7 Luci in the back^7
Luci in the back^7 renamed to Arcturan Megagrasshopper
76 ^317 178.x.x.x(same as before) '^7Luci in the back^3' '^7Arcturan Megagrasshopper^3'*
Luci in the back^7 renamed to Arcturan Megagrasshoppe
[^7S^7] Luci in the back^7: ^2Epic, hint: shut thy big gob

...(few renames later)...

[^7S^7] Often Killed^7: ^2AK47, no flood. Just Epic being an idiot

9 ^7S^7 2 ^2 ^7 ^6Server Regular^7 ^1 ^7 ^0the invisible man^7
[^7S^7] ^0the invisible man^7: ^2at least they're not epical dipshits and stuff

[^7S^7] ^0the invisible man^7: ^2negro is even a scientific term

[^5H^7] ^0the invisible man^7: ^2fuck off epical

Also if Redman (invisible) reports me like that then lets not forgot his spam of "HP: 350 U MAD" done yesterday.

I think it's totally fun and anyway I shouldn't care :D

But if you want to care then care with same rules for everyone, e.g. admins are not above the rules - it's clearly written on the rules page (need quote?)

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:17 am
by Spl@
Epicfail, that was Lava Croft… and the comments were justified, so far as I can tell. (Though “Bzzz?â€￾ was me.)

Seriously. Fix your attitude (and keep it that way) and you'll find that people stop being haters. And I'm calling you Epicfail because you've earned that, again through your attitude and actions.

Rotacak, I strongly recommend demotion to level 2 for Epicfail.